J-GLOBAL ID:202301009291012944   更新日: 2024年12月17日

Duffy John

ダフィ ジョン | Duffy John
職名: 特任教授
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件):
  • University of California, Irvine  Department of Economics   Professor
論文 (89件):
  • Heterogeneous experience and constant-gain learning. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2024. 164
  • Regulation and the demand for credit default swaps in experimental bond markets. European Economic Review. 2024. 165
  • Search, unemployment, and the Beveridge curve: Experimental evidence. Labour Economics. 2024. 87
  • John Duffy, Janet Hua Jiang, Huan Xie. Pricing Indefinitely Lived Assets: Experimental Evidence. Management Science. 2024. 70. 12
  • Mikhail Anufriev, John Duffy, Valentyn Panchenko. Individual evolutionary learning in repeated beauty contest games. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2024. 218. 550-567
講演・口頭発表等 (13件):
  • Trade, Voting, and ESG Policies: Theory and Evidence
    (FINANCE SEMINAR WS2023/24 2024)
  • Trade, Voting, and ESG Policies: Theory and Evidence
    (The University of Sydney Business School, Researhc Seminars 2023)
  • Facing the Grim Truth: Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Against Robot Opponents
    (Sydney Experimental and Behavioural Research Group Seminar Series 2023)
  • Trade, voting, and ESG policies: Theory and evidence
    (UTS Behavioural Lab Conference: Behavioural Science for Sustainable Futures 2023)
  • Trade, Voting, and ESG Policies: Theory and Evidence
    (早稲田 ゲーム理論・実験経済学セミナー 2023)
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