Karen Terada, Taira Nishimura, Akihiro Hirayama, Yasuoki Takami. Heterochrony and growth rate variation mediate the development of divergent genital morphologies in closely related Ohomopterus ground beetles. Evolution & development. 2021. 23. 1. 19-27
Akihiro Hirayama, Masaaki Kimura, Masahiro Kusaka, Koichi Kaizu. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi12CuNi Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process. International Journal of Automation Technology. 2021. 15. 4. 388-395
Akihiro Hirayama, Koichi Kaizu, Masaaki Kimura, Masahiro Kusaka. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi12CuNi alloy fabricated by selective laser melting. JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing, LEMP 2020. 2020