J-GLOBAL ID:200901013011733959
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Kasahara Katsuaki
カサハラ カツアキ | Kasahara Katsuaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Visiting Professor (full-time)
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 超高エネルギー宇宙線の起源(CALET, TA, Tibet Asg)
- 超高エネルギー核相互作用
- 高エネルギー粒子の大気および検出器中でのモンテカルロコード
- CERN LHCf 実験
- origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays(CALET, TA, Tibet ASg)
- nuclear interactions at ultra-high energies
- Monte carlo simulation code of high energy particles in air and in detector
- CERN LHCf experiment
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MISC (26):
M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. Fan, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, et al. ON TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF THE MULTI-TeV COSMIC RAY ANISOTROPY USING THE TIBET III AIR SHOWER ARRAY. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2010. 711. 1. 119-124
Y.Shimizu. Balloon borne experiment with CALET prototype. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78 (2009) Suppl. A, pp. 165-168. 2009
Amenomori et, al. Tibet, ASg collaboration. Multi-TeV Gamma-Ray Observation from the Crab Nebula Using the Tibet-III Air Shower Array Finely Tuned by the Cosmic Ray Moon's Shadow. ApJ 692 No 1 (2009 February 10) 61-72. 2009
Y.Shimizu. Balloon borne experiment with CALET prototype. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78 (2009) Suppl. A, pp. 165-168. 2009
Amenomori et, al. Tibet, ASg collaboration. Multi-TeV Gamma-Ray Observation from the Crab Nebula Using the Tibet-III Air Shower Array Finely Tuned by the Cosmic Ray Moon's Shadow. ApJ 692 No 1 (2009 February 10) 61-72. 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
10^20から10^6 eVに渡る空気シャワー・シミュレーション
(PHITSユーザ研究会. 東海村原子力研究所. 2010年8月25日 2010)
The LHCf experiment.
(JENAM(Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting. Sep. 8 (2010). Lisbon Portuga 2010)
(シンポジュウム: 超高エネルギ宇宙線とハドロン構造;日本物理学会2008年 秋期大会(山形大) 2008)
超高エネルギー宇宙線シミュレーションの限界と LHCf 実験による改善
(シンポジュウム「超高エネルギー宇宙線観測の新たな展開」日本物理学会62回年次大会, 札幌(2007). 2007)
LHCf: Measuring zero degree photons and neutrons at LHC for cosmic ray physics
(International workshop on cosmic-rays and high energy universe. Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Mar. 6, 2007 2007)
Works (1):
2006 - 2008
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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