J-GLOBAL ID:200901013378481794
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Shinohara Atsuko
シノハラ アツコ | Shinohara Atsuko
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Affiliation and department:
Seisen University Research Institute for Cultural Science
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Detailed information
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
Juntendo University
School of Medicine Lecturer
Research field (3):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords (5):
, Rare earth elements
, Trace elements
, Enviromental health
, Environmental health sciences
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2007 - 健康教育
1996 - 食事および環境からの元素摂取の過不足と健康への影響
1991 - 疾病と微量元素
1986 - 希土類元素の生体影響
Role of trace elements in disease
Trace elements in milk and baby foods
Biological effects of rare earth elements
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Papers (3):
Makino Watanabe, Atsuko Shinohara, Takehisa Matsukawa, Momoko Chiba, Jinrong Wu, Takafumi Iesaki, Takao Okada. Chronic magnesium deficiency decreases tolerance to hypoxia/reoxygenation injury in mouse heart. LIFE SCIENCES. 2011. 88. 15-16. 658-663
Mohsen Vigeh, Kazuhito Yokoyama, Zahrabigom Seyedaghamiri, Atsuko Shinohara, Takehisa Matsukawa, Momoko Chiba, Masoud Yunesian. Blood lead at currently acceptable levels may cause preterm labour. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. 2011. 68. 3. 231-234
Atsuko Shinohara, Takehisa Matsukawa, Momoko Chiba, Toshio Kumasaka, Jun Kobayashi, Kenji Takamori, Shozo Ichinose, Kazuhito Yokoyama. Comparative study of behavior of inhaled samarium and cerium in mice. JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS. 2010. 28. Spec,Issue. 507-509
MISC (84):
Takuto Abiko, Keito Kobayashi, Takehisa Matsukawa, Atsuko Shinohara, Naoki Furuta. Effects of Selenium Deficiency on Proteins Containing Essential Trace Elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Se) in Mouse Brain. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2016. 65. 7. 371-378
SHINOHARA Atsuko. Topics regarding eating, influences on health and food culture. 2015. 23. 69-79
Mohsen Vigeh, Kazuhito Yokoyama, Atsuko Shinohara, Mohammadreza Afshinrokh, Masoud Yunesian. Early pregnancy blood lead levels and the risk of premature rupture of the membranes. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. 2010. 30. 3. 477-480
Hiraoka A, Inaba H, Suzuki E, Kasai K, Suzuki H, Shinohara A, Shirao M, Kubo K, Yoshimura Y. In vitro physicochemical properties of neutral aqueous solution systems (water products as drink) containing hydrogen gas, 2-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide, and platinum Nanocolloid as additives. J Health Sci. 2010. 56. 2. 167-174
Tao Gu, Rina Ohashi, Ri Cui, Ken Tajima, Masakata Yoshioka, Shinichiro Iwakami, Shinichi Sasaki, Atsuko Shinohara, Takehisa Matsukawa, Jun Kobayashi, et al. Osteopontin is involved in the development of acquired chemo-resistance of cisplatin in small cell lung cancer. LUNG CANCER. 2009. 66. 2. 176-183
Books (6):
コンパクト 公衆衛生学、分担執筆
朝倉書店 2008
朝倉書店 2008
希土類の材料技術ハンドブック-基礎技術・合成・デバイス製作・評価から資源まで- 足立吟也(監修)分担執筆
NTS 2008
化学同人 1999
Toxicology Today-中毒学から生体防御の科学へ佐藤洋(編)、分担執筆
金芳堂 1994
Works (5):
2001 -
Speciation of Se adminstered and excreted from living body
2001 -
2000 -
Biological effect of Mg deficiency
2000 -
1998 -
Education (4):
- 1982 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences Graduate School of Pharmacy
- 1982 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1977 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences School of Pharmacy School of Pharmacy
- 1977 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (8):
1992 - 2007 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
1992 - 2007 Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine, lecturer
2007 - - 清泉女子大学教授
2007 - - Seisen University, Research Institute for Cu;tural Studies, Professor
1986 - 1992 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
1986 - 1992 Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine, Research Assistant
1982 - 1986 慶応義塾大学医学部 助手
1982 - 1986 Keio University, Research Assistant
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Committee career (3):
2002 - 日本微量元素学会 評議員
1999 - 日本衛生学会 評議員
1997 - 1998 日本分析化学会 理事
Awards (1):
2014/05 - 日本希土類学会 塩川賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本公衆衛生学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本微量元素学会
, 日本産業衛生学会
, 日本分析化学会
, 日本薬学会
, 日本衛生学会
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