J-GLOBAL ID:200901018266584630   Update date: May. 16, 2024

Takao Yuji

タカオ ユウジ | Takao Yuji
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Other affiliations (1):
  • Nagasaki University  Faculty of Environmental Studies, Environmental Conservation and Planning   Professor
Research field  (4): Functional solid-state chemistry ,  Analytical chemistry ,  Environmental policy and society ,  Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords  (2): 環境分析化学 ,  Environmental anlytical chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (22):
  • 2018 - 2021 Development of method to evaluate endocrine-disrupting potency of chemicals using secondary sex characteristics of anal fin rays in medaka
  • 2012 - 2017 Proposal of tracer test method in the groundwater contamination field and clarification of pollution mechanism
  • 2012 - 2015 International investigation of transboundary air pollution in East Asia
  • 2011 - 2014 Elucidation of transboundary pollution of micro-pollutants from the mainland China to the sea around Japan via ocean currents
  • 2010 - 2012 Determination of Transboundary Pollution for Persistent OrganicPollutants (POPs) from East Asian Countries by the Chemical Analysis and the Investigation on the Numerical Simulation Model
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Papers (116):
MISC (347):
Patents (4):
Books (8):
  • Contaminations by Endocrine Disruptiong Chemicals in Coastal Waters of the East China Sea
    TERRAPUB 2010
  • Estrogenic Activity in Estuaries by Measuring Serum Vitellogenin Concentration of Japanese Male Common Goby in Northwestern Part of Kyushu
    TERRAPUB 2010
  • Relationship between Concentration of Chemical Substances in Estuarine Sediments and Concentration of Vitellogenin in Mudskipper (Periophthalmus modestus) and Common Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) Serum
    TERRAPUB 2010
  • Contaminations by Endocrine Disruptiong Chemicals in Coastal Waters of the East China Sea
    TERRAPUB 2010
  • Estrogenic Activity in Estuaries by Measuring Serum Vitellogenin Concentration of Japanese Male Common Goby in Northwestern Part of Kyushu
    TERRAPUB 2010
Lectures and oral presentations  (148):
  • Adsorption behavior of coprostanol on agricultural soil, riverbed sediment, and sandy soil
    (Adsorption behavior of coprostanol on agricultural soil, riverbed sediment, and sandy soil 2022)
  • Trans-generational effects of pyrene on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna
  • Groundwater age determination using the approval year of pharmaceuticals
  • Antidepressants concentrations in river waters in the northern part of Kyushu and their removal rate by a sewage treatment plant
  • 地下水年代推定の高精度化に向けた異分野横断型アプローチの試み
    (日本水文科学界2021年度研究発表会9月 2021)
Works (23):
  • 東アジアにおける大気越境化学物質の動態および生物影響に関する国際的調査
    2009 - 2012
  • 地方の漁港底質に高濃度蓄積する有機スズ化合物および代替塗料の現状調査
    2008 - 2011
  • 東アジアにおける魚類の環境ホルモン国際共同調査と研究者ネットワークの構築
    2006 - 2009
  • 「にがり」を中心としたマグネシウムの食品栄養学的研究
    2006 - 2007
  • 各種生物浄化資材の一斉比較による費用対効果の比較検討
    2005 - 2006
Education (4):
  • - 1989 Nagasaki University
  • - 1989 Nagasaki University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • - 1986 Nagasaki University Faculty of Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • - 1986 Nagasaki University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of engineer
  • (BLANK)
Work history (4):
  • 2011 - Nagasaki University Faculty of Environmental Studies
  • 2011 - Nagasaki University Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies
  • 2011 - Professor,Environmental Conservation and Planning,Faculty of Environmental Studies,Nagasaki University
  • 2011 - Professor,Environmental science,Graduate School of Fishery and Environmental Science,Nagasaki University
Committee career (2):
  • 2009 - 長崎市屋外広告物審議会 委員(2009)
  • 2005 - 長崎市廃棄物処理施設専門委員会 委員(2005)
Awards (5):
  • 2012 - ファイザー賞(高頻度被引用論文賞)
  • 2012 - Pfizer Highly Cited Paper
  • 2011 - 第18回環境化学論文賞
  • 2001 - 電気化学会論文賞
  • 1997 - 日本化学会年会シンポジウム賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本内分泌学会撹乱化学物質学会 ,  大気環境学会 ,  日本環境化学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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