Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2013 - 2017 The collection and practice of questions crossover mathematics and special fields considered the attainment levels of engineering education
2008 - 2010 Study on alternative ordering of quadrupole moment in 2-deimensional stacked lattice
2002 - 2003 Partially Disorered Dipole-and Staggered Quadrupole-Ordering in Spin Systems with Competing Interactions
Phase transitions of the mixed Ising spin systemsx
Study on S AU 1 Axial Next Nearest Neighbor Ising(ANNNI)Model
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Papers (30):
坪根 弘明, 竹内 伯夫, 藤本 大輔, 田中 彰則, 石丸 智士, 福田 尚広, 尋木 信一, 村岡 良紀. PROGRAM FOR FUTURE SCIENTISTS WITH CONCERN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, 『ARIAKE NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE CLUB, ANGS CLUB』 : THREE YEARS SUMMARY. 日本高専学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Association for College of Technology. 2016. 21. 3. 17-24
Yoshinori Muraoka. Extension of the sum formula for power of natural number. Research Reports of the National Institute of Technology, Ariake College. 2022. 57. 32-35
MURAOKA Yoshinori. Mean field approximation of the mixed spin system. Research Reports of the National Institute of Technology, Ariake College. 2021. 56. 1-13
Iwashita T, Ito Y, Arai H, Muraoka Y. 19aPSB-7 Phase Transition and Spin Structures of Mixed Ising Spin System with Four Spin Interaction. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2012. 67. 2. 257-257