J-GLOBAL ID:200901023674179101
Update date: Mar. 04, 2025
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Research field (1):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (5):
, 低温
, 超伝導
, 磁性
, High pressure
Research theme for competitive and other funds (50):
2023 - 2027 Structure and dynamics of ionic liquids confined in nanopores of Metal-Organic Frameworks
2023 - 2027 Structure and dynamics of ionic liquids confined in nano-pores of metal-organic framework
2021 - 2025 Fermi surface study under ultra high pressure up to 10 GPa by quantum oscillation effect
2019 - 2023 Pressure induced physical phenomena under extreme conditions
2019 - 2022 Development of the dHvA experiment under pressure using constant load system and Fermi surface study for strongly correlated electron system
2018 - 2021 Superconducting mechanism and quantum phase transitions on S-doped FeSe studied via NMR under high pressure
2016 - 2018 Development of new type high pressure apparatus for low temperature experiments
2015 - 2018 Novel superconductivity near the phase critical point
2013 - 2018 Study of quantum phase transitions byangle resolved NMR under extreme conditions
2015 - 2017 新奇超伝導物質の探索とその圧力効果の研究
2013 - 2017 Reaction and structural properties of hybrid nanoparticle system
2012 - 2015 圧力誘起相転移近傍の臨界現象の研究
2011 - 2014 NMR study under high pressure: investigation of superconductivity induced by orbital fluctuations and superconductivity accompanied by antiferromagnetic ordering
2009 - 2013 Exploration of novel quantum phases by angle resolved NMR measurements under hugh pressure
2011 - 2013 Study of a successive component-separated magnetic transiton and a partial magnetic ordered phase
2009 - 2012 Morphology-controlled hybrid nanocrystals: single particle and cooperative phenomena
2008 - 2012 Orderings and fluctuations originated from multipole degrees of freedom
2009 - 2011 錯体水素化物でのリチウム超イオン伝導-その機構解明と新材料創製
2009 - 2011 Investigation of electrical properties under pressure
2009 - 2011 Single crystal growth of Ce-T-Al(T=transition metals) and development of physical property measurements by GM cryocooler
2007 - 2011 Material sciences at ultra-high pressure using the strongest spallation neutron source
2006 - 2008 Function Designing Map of B-H Complex Hydrides-From Fundamental Properties To Energy-Related Functions-
2005 - 2008 Fabrication of a steady-load control system for NMR under high pressure and application to strongly correlated systems
2004 - 2007 Development of high pressure cell and study of pressure on the strong correlated system
2003 - 2007 充填スクッテルダイト構造に由来する新奇量子現象の解明
2005 - 2006 梯子格子銅酸化物における圧力誘起超伝導状態の4GPa下NMR測定
2004 - 2006 光ファイバ導入を用いた圧力その場決定方法及び標準圧力センサーの開発
2004 - 2005 分子性導体の超高圧下での圧力誘起超伝導と新奇物性の探索
2004 - 2005 Construction of Constant Pressure Generator and AC calorimetric measurements of Ce_2RhIn_8
2004 - 2005 Strange metamagnetism and magnetic transitions of TbCu_2Ge_2
2002 - 2003 Peculiar magnetization process and magnetism of PrCu_2Ge_2
2002 - 2002 層状ペロブスカイトRu酸化物の異方的圧力効果と超純良単結晶育成
2001 - 2002 塑性変形限界を利用した4GPa級非磁性ピストンシリンダー型高圧装置の試作
2000 - 2002 Study of pressure-induced quantum phenomena in heavy fermion system by means of neutron scattering
2000 - 2001 層状ペロブスカイト遷移金属酸化物の圧力による軌道の自由度の制御
2000 - 2001 極限環境下における遷移金属酸化物の量子相転移と磁気励起の研究
2000 - 2000 薄膜希土類水素化物における新機能材料の探索と圧力効果の研究
1999 - 1999 圧力誘起水素化物超伝導体と新機能材料の探索とその物性研究
1998 - 1999 フラックス法を用いた純良単結晶作成法の新しい試み
1995 - 1995 強磁性近藤物質CeScGeのフラックス法を用いた単結晶作製とその物性研究
1995 - 1995 磁性超伝導体HoNi_2Bi_2Cの異方的超伝導とその圧力効果
1993 - 1993 近藤格子の不規則性に及ぼす圧力効果
1993 - 1993 高圧下におけるCo/Cu多層膜の磁気抵抗効果
1992 - 1992 Ce系化合物における圧力誘起電子転移及びその磁場効果の研究
1991 - 1991 高圧下における金属人工格子の磁気低抗効果の測定
1991 - 1991 複数極端条件下に於ける重い電子系化合物のシュビニコフード・ハース効果の研究
Effect of pressure on the multi-extreme conditions
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Papers (904):
Takeshi Kanomata, Xiao Xu, Takuo Sakon, Yuki Nagata, Shin Imada, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Tetsujiro Eto, Yoshiya Adachi, Takumi Kihara, et al. A Review on the Magnetovolume Effect of the Full Heusler Alloys Ni2MnZ (Z = In, Sn, Sb). Metals. 2025. 15. 2. 215-215
Taiki Morimoto, Etsuji Morikawa, Katsuki Nihongi, Takanori Kida, Yasuo Narumi, Zentaro Honda, Shunsuke Furukawa, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Koichi Kindo, Masayuki Hagiwara. High-Field Magnetism of the Spin-1/2 Two-Leg-Ladder Antiferromagnet Cu(DEP)Cl2 under High Pressure. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2025. 94. 2
Manikandan Krishnan, Kento Ishigaki, Sathiskumar Mariappan, Rajkumar Sokkalingam, Jun Gouchi, Dilip Bhoi, Raman Sankar, Ponniah Vajeeston, Qiang Jing, Yoshiya Uwatoko, et al. Evolution of superconducting and normal state properties of Fe1.09Se0.55Te0.45 under pressure. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2025. 112628-112628
Hayato Muto, Tomohito Nakano, Tatsuya Watanabe, Ryota Takahashi, Naoya Takeda, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Michal Dušek, Jan Prokleška, Jiří Pospíšil, et al. Coexistence of distinct Ce 4f-electron states at inequivalent crystallographic sites: CePtGe2 case. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2025. 613. 172670-172670
Miho Itoi, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Hanming Ma, Takahiro Misawa, Takao Tsumuraya, Dilip Bhoi, Tokutaro Komatsu, Hatsumi Mori, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Hitoshi Seo. Combined x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and ab initio study of (TMTTF)2PF6 under pressure: Implications for the unified phase diagram. Physical Review Research. 2024. 6. 4
西山紗恵, 中桐大輝, 林純一, 武田圭生, 関根ちひろ, MA Hanming, 上床美也, 高橋博樹, 谷田博司, 川村幸裕. Pressure-induced structural phase transition under low temperatures and pressure-temperature phase diagram on CeMnSi. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2024. 2023
西山紗恵, 林純一, 武田圭生, 関根ちひろ, MA Hanming, 上床美也, 谷田博司, 川村幸裕. Pressure dependence of Mn antiferromagnetic ordering on CeMnSi. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2024. 79. 1
鈴木雄大, 工藤一輝, 橘高俊一郎, 辺土正人, 上床美也, 松林和幸. Thermoelectric power and ac specific heat measurements of YbRh2Zn20 under pressure and at low temperatures. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2024. 79. 1
巨海玄道, 本多史憲, 江藤徹二郎, 酒井健, 上床美也. Compression curves of rare-earth 6 compounds using high pressure X-ray diffraction. 希土類. 2024. 84