J-GLOBAL ID:200901023750635987
Update date: Feb. 06, 2025
Yano Kouji
ヤノ コウジ | Yano Kouji
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Basic analysis
Research keywords (8):
Probability Theory
, Stochastic Processes
, Limit Theorems
, Random Dynamical Systems
, Ergodic Theory
, Diffusions
, Lévy processes
, Random Walks
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2019 - 2023 確率過程論的アプローチによるランダム力学系の理論研究
- 2020 - 2022 Research on Infinitely Divisible Distributions and Levy Processes from the Viewpoints of Classical and Free Probability Theories
- 2019 - 2022 拡散過程とレヴィ過程およびその変型過程に関する極限定理とその応用
- 2016 - 2017 レヴィ過程とその変形に対する分布の性質および標本路の挙動の研究
- 2014 - 2017 周遊理論の基礎理論の発展と新しい応用への展開
- 2012 - 2013 マルコフ連鎖の流れおよび情報系の理論の展開とその応用
- 2008 - 2011 マルコフ過程のエクスカーション理論の新展開
- 2007 - マルコフ過程の特異性を持つ変換,汎関数および遠足の研究
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Papers (45):
Kohki Iba, Kouji Yano. Two-point local time penalizations with various clocks for Lévy processes. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2025. 22. 1. 183-207
Kosuke Yamato, Kouji Yano. Reproduction of initial distributions from the first hitting time distribution for birth-and-death processes. Bernoulli. 2024. 30. 2. 936-960
Yu Ito, Toru Sera, Kouji Yano. Resolution of Sigma-Fields for Multiparticle Finite-State Action Evolutions with Infinite Past. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2023. 36. 3. 1368-1399
Genji Hata, Kouji Yano. Arcsine and Darling-Kac laws for piecewise linear random interval maps. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2023. 23. 01
Fumihiko Nakamura, Yushi Nakano, Hisayoshi Toyokawa, Kouji Yano. Arcsine law for random dynamics with a core. Nonlinearity. 2023. 36. 3. 1491-1509
MISC (1):
矢野孝次. 一次元拡散過程. 特集「伊藤清と確率論」, 数学セミナー2015年9月号. 2015. 20-25
Lectures and oral presentations (24):
Local time penalizations with various clocks for Lévy processes
(Seminario Interinstitucional de Matrices Aleatorias SIMA 2022 2022)
Local time penalizations with various clocks for Lévy processes
(International Workshop on Dirichlet Forms and Related Topics 2022)
Local time penalizations with various clocks for Levy processes
(Nonlocality in Analysis, Probability and Statistics, MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop (online) 2022)
Arcsine law for a piecewise linear random map
(Session "Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems, Fractals and Applications", CMS Summer Meeting (online) 2021)
The third noise problems for action evolution with infinite past
(Research on the Theory of Random Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry 2019)
Education (4):
- 2006 - 2006 Ph. D. (Science), Kyoto University
- 2001 - 2006 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Mathematics
- 1999 - 2001 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Mathematics
- 1995 - 1999 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
Committee career (5):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Osaka Journal of Mathematics Editor
- 2025/01 - 2027/12 ALEA - Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Associate Editor
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 京都大学男女共同参画推進センター 育児介護支援事業ワーキンググループ 事業推進員 (2018年4月から2020年3月まで主査)
- 2019/07 - 2021/06 日本数学会 社会連携協議会 委員
- 2017/07 - 2021/06 日本数学会 ‘数学’編集委員会 非常任編集委員
Awards (2):
- 2010/04 - 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞 「周遊理論に基づく極限定理の研究」
- 2008/09 - 日本数学会賞 建部賢弘賞特別賞 「Excursion測度と極限定理への応用」
Association Membership(s) (1):
The Mathematical Society of Japan
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