Research keywords (6):
, 甘味抑制性唾液蛋白質
, ケッ歯類唾液腺へのアンドロジェン作用
, Dietetical significance of the salivary glands and their secretions.
, Salivary Proteins Inhibiting Sweet Taste Responses
, Androgen Action on The Rodent Salivary Glands
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Saliva of animals fed lysine-deficient diets
Capsaicin-induced salivary proteins
Isolation of The Salivary Proteins Inhibiting Sweet Taste Responses
Effects of Parasympathetic Impulses on Androgen Responses of The Rat Submandibular Glands.
Taste receptor mechanisms influenced by a gene on chromosome 4 in mice. (共著)
Chemical Senses. Vol3. Genetics of perception and communication. Marcel Dekker New York 1992
Chemical senses Vol.3 Genetics of Perception and Communication
Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1991 ISBN:0824783700
Chemical senses vol3. Genetics of perception and Communication, Taste receptor mechanisms inflnenced by a gene on chromosome 4 in mice (共著)
Dekker 1991
Mechanobiological research on the masticatory system. (共著)
Education (4):
- 1973 Gifu University
- 1973 Gifu University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- 1971 Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1971 Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
Doctor (Asahi University)
Master (Gifu University)
Work history (1):
Asahi University School of Dentistry, Dept. of Dentistry, Department of Oral Physiology Research Assistant