J-GLOBAL ID:200901038503280987
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Kudoh Takao
クドウ タカオ | Kudoh Takao
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Research field (2):
Science education
, Information theory
Research keywords (4):
, 科学教育
, Computer Science
, Science Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Design of a Parallel VLSI Processor for Road Extraction Based on Logic-in-Memory Architecture
Development of a Motion Analysis System by Composing Multiple Information about Physical Kinetic Skills
MISC (16):
遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたロジックインメモリ構造VLSIプロセッサのハイレベルシンセシス. 計測自動制御学会東北支部第195回研究集会資料. 2001. 195. 9. 1-8
High-Level Synthesis of a Logic-in-Memory-Based VLSI Processor Using a Genetic Algorithm. 2001. 195. 9. 1-8
KUDOH Takao, HANYU Takahiro, KAMEYAMA Michitaka. Design of a Parallel VLSI Processor for Road Extraction Based on Logic-in-Memory Architecture. Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. 2000. 36. 11. 1009-1018
教育内容の階層構造分析に基づく,創造を指向した専門知識教育の方法. 論文集「高専教育」. 2000. 23. 147-152
Design of a Parallel VLSI Processor for Road Extraction Based on Logic-in-Memory Architecture. Transaction of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. 2000. 36. 11. 1009-1018
Work history (1):
Hachinohe National College of Technology Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 電子情報通信学会
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