Research field (4):
Literature - Japanese
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Museology
, Cultural properties
Research keywords (1):
Japanese Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (28):
2021 - 2026 第三期(安永~享和期)役者評判記の出版に関する総合的研究
2021 - 2024 Digital text archiving for cursive writing documents by using the reading voice of which the experts read aloud.
2018 - 2023 Cataloging for the illustrated Japanese old books and Ukiyo-e by using ARC's Image database and producing the research basis.
2017 - 2022 Research on construction of SNS-type text archive platform for Japanese historical books
2017 - 2020 Comprehensive Research for the utility of Yakushahyobanki, the third term.
2014 - 2018 Development of Digital Archives of Body Movements and Group Activities and Analysis and Representation methods in art and cultural activities
2012 - 2018 Cataloging for the pre-modern Japanese illustrated books and Ukiyo-e existing in Europe.
2011 - 2016 Publishing transcription of Kabuki critiques (Yakusha Hyobanki) and making its comprehensive digital archives.
2011 - 2015 Standardization of the writing system of bibliographic information for the Japanese woodblock printed books in the digital environment
2010 - 2014 Record, Analysis, and Representation of Multiple Human Movements in Dance and Ritual Events
2009 - 2013 芸術・文化分野の資料デジタル化を軸とした研究資源共有化研究
2008 - 2011 Comprehensive Cataloging on Japanese Woodblock Prints in the British Museum
2007 - 2009 落款を利用した木版浮世絵の作者同定および編年のための支援システム
2007 - 2009 Digital Archiving and Analysis of Dance Motions
2005 - 2007 Aresearch project on construction of comprehensive archives on the third-phase Yakusha Hyobanki.
2004 - 2007 Cataloging for entire Ukiyo-e collection in Victoria and Albert Museum
2004 - 2006 Digital archiving and numerical analysis of dance body motion with motion capturing technique
2001 - 2004 Literature and images ; Research for illustrated books and picture books of Edo period based on the Hayashi Yoshikazu collection.
1999 - 2002 Fundamental study of Kabuki by using texts of Yakusha-Hyobanki.
1999 - 2001 Analysis of Human Body Motion by Using Motion Capture Systems - Development of Three Dimensional Motion Database -
1999 - 2001 Basic research of the actor prints about the material utility.
1998 - 2000 Basic research about how to preserve Are cultural assets that a form dose not remain in
Digital Humanities for Arts and Cultures
勉誠出版 2014 ISBN:9784585200314
Le geste suspendu; ESTAMPES KABUKI DU CABINET D'ARTS GRAPHIQUES(Les differents types d'images d'acteure (Various Types of Actor Prints))
Musees d'art et d'histoire de geneve 2014
Fantasía en escena: kunisada y la escuela utagawa (Yakusha-e: las estampas deactores en el contexto visual del ukiyo-e)
Madrid y Murcia 2014
The Art Research Center’s Digital Archives and Research Environment
(Digital Japan Mini-Festival 2018)
The Art Research Center’s Digital Archive System
(On the Digital Archive and Its Uses for Japanese Humanities: A Collaborative Workshop by the Art Research Center of Ritsumeikan University and the University of California, Berkeley 2018)
- 1991 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Letters Arts (Theatre) Course
- 1983 Tsuru University Japanese Literature
Professional career (1):
M.A. (Waseda University)
Work history (6):
2013/04/01 - 2016/03/31 同志社大学文学研究科・嘱託講師
2015/03/23 - 2015/04/30 ストラスブール大学・客員教授
2004/04/01 - 2006/03/31 Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
1994/04/01 - 2002/03/31 Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
1994/04/01 - 2002/03/31 Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
1989/04/01 - 1991/03/31 Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Show all
Committee career (2):
2011/05 - アート・ドキュメンテーション学会 関西地区部会長
2004/04 - 国際浮世絵学会 常任理事
Awards (2):
2008/05 - 上野五月賞
1988/12 - 歌舞伎学会奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
Kabuki Gakkai
, The Japan Edo-Period Literary Society
, International UKIYO-E Society
, Europe Association for Japanese Study
, Japan Art Documentation Society