J-GLOBAL ID:200901042463382614
Update date: Jun. 12, 2008
Tamada Ikkei
タマダ イッケイ | Tamada Ikkei
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
MISC (9):
Dynamic total skull remodeling by comboination of morcellation craniotomy and distraction osteogenesisの手術デザインIII Multiple craniosynostosis. 第45回日本形成外科学会総会. 2002
Secondary repair of cleft lip nose deformity by subcutaneous pedicle flaps. World Cleft Congress of the International Cleft and Palate Foundation. 2002
Correction of the cupid's bow deformity of cleft lip by the use of W-plasty principle. World Cleft Congress of the International Cleft and Palate Foundation. 2002
Dynamic total skull remodeling by comboination of morcellation craniotomy and distraction osteogenesisの手術デザインII Multiple craniosunostosis. 第45回日本形成外科学会総会. 2002
Dynamic total skull remodeling by comboination of morcellation craniotomy and distraction osteogenesisの手術デザインII Multiple craniosunostosis. 第45回日本形成外科学会総会. 2002
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