J-GLOBAL ID:200901044474987545
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Sato Takeshi
サトウ タケシ | Sato Takeshi
Affiliation and department:
Gifu University Faculty of Engineering
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Detailed information
Research field (3):
Geotechnical engineering
, Environmental materials/recycling technology
, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
Research keywords (34):
, 移流分散
, 分散係数
, ファイトレメディエーション
, 重金属
, 溶出試験
, 廃石膏アパタイト
, 水蒸気移動
, Two Regionモデル
, 溶解性物質
, 地下水汚染
, カラム実験
, 浸出水
, 地下水
, DNA濃度
, DNAマイクロアレイ
, 嫌気性微生物
, 埋立処理場
, 分散
, 吸着
, 反応速度式
, Clostridium bifermentans DPH-1
, ファイトスタビリゼーション
, 溶質輸送
, 温度
, 熱移動
, 根圏
, スタントン数
, 遅れ係数
, 植物浄化
, 微生物浄化
, phytoremediation
, bioremediation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2014 - 2016 有機態ヒ素の動態解析に基づく沖積低地の地下水流動・ヒ素管理モデルの構築
2007 - 2009 Soil heavy metal transport model in combination with plant root physiology
2002 - 2005 流れ場における微生物の動態と有機溶剤の浄化
2002 - 2004 Subsurface transport of microorganism and its application to bioremediation of groundwater contaminated by halogenated organic compound
2000 - 2001 Leaching unit by column test and its application to lyner and closing system in waste landfill
1994 - 1995 Solute Transport due to Moisture and Temperature Movement within Unsaturated Soil
Behavior of microorganism in soil
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MISC (38):
Yusuke Kawai, Masahiko Katoh, Masahiko Katoh, Ryuki Mori, Yu Otake, Takeshi Sato. Arsenic release processes into confined aquifers of the Seino Basins, Nobi Plain, Japan. International Journal of GEOMATE. 2016. 10. 1796-1803
Shouhei Ogawa, Masahiko Katoh, Takeshi Sato. Simultaneous lead and antimony immobilization in shooting range soil by a combined application of hydroxyapatite and ferrihydrite. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY. 2015. 36. 20. 2647-2656
Masahiko Katoh, Yan Wang, Wataru Kitahara, Takeshi Sato. Impact of phosphorus and water-soluble organic carbon in cattle and swine manure composts on lead immobilization in soil. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY. 2015. 36. 15. 1943-1953
Masahiko Katoh, Yan Wang, Wataru Kitahara, Takeshi Sato. Impact of phosphorus and water-soluble organic carbon in cattle and swine manure composts on lead immobilization in soil. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY. 2015. 36. 15. 1943-1953
Masahiko Katoh, Masakazu Shiramizu, Takeshi Sato. Repeatable use of wood ash to remove lead from contaminated water. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT. 2015. 17. 3. 590-597
Patents (4):
Works (2):
2002 -
phytoremediation of soil contamined by lead
2002 -
Education (2):
- 1980 Nagoya University
Nagoya University School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
工博 (名古屋大学)
Work history (2):
2014 - Gifu University Faculty of Engineering
Gifu University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Professor
Awards (2):
1981 - 日刊工業新聞:環境賞
1981 - Environment Awards by Nikkan Kogyo Sinbun
Association Membership(s) (2):
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