Conformational Propeitres of Tetramethylammonium Gellan Gum in Aqueous Solutions.
Proceeding of the Yamada Conference L and Second International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes", 1998
シーエムシー 1995
Works (2):
2002 - 2004
2002 - 2004
Education (4):
- 1970 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Science
- 1970 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1968 Tokyo University of Science
- 1968 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
Work history (7):
2000 - - 大妻女子大学 非常勤講師
2000 - - Otsuma Women's Universily
1998 - - 東京農工大学 非常勤講師
1998 - - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
1971 - 1988 Tokyo Woman's Christian University College of Arts and Sciences
1971 - 1988 Tokyo Women's Christian University, Research