J-GLOBAL ID:200901050679485496
Update date: Apr. 29, 2020
Aoki Seishi
アオキ セイシ | Aoki Seishi
Affiliation and department:
Keio University School of Medicine, School of Medicine
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Job title:
Assistant Professor
MISC (19):
S Aoki, T Shimamura, T Shibata, Y Nakanishi, Y Moriya, Y Sato, M Kitajima, M Sakamoto, S Hirohashi. Prognostic significance of dysadherin expression in advanced colorectal carcinoma. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2003. 88. 5. 726-732
S Aoki, T Shimamura, T Shibata, Y Nakanishi, Y Moriya, Y Sato, M Kitajima, M Sakamoto, S Hirohashi. Prognostic significance of dysadherin expression in advanced colorectal carcinoma. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2003. 88. 5. 726-732
直腸癌に対する腹腔下手術-手術手技と治療成績. 第57回日本大腸肛門病学会総会(横浜). 2002
術後再発クローン病に対する腹腔下手術の有用性. 第57回日本大腸肛門病学会総会(横浜). 2002
大腸癌の5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)感受性の分子生物学的検討. 第61回日本癌学会総会(東京). 2002
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