J-GLOBAL ID:200901052421098385
Update date: Apr. 28, 2024
Nakata Yoshifumi
ナカタ ヨシフミ | Nakata Yoshifumi
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Affiliation and department:
Doshisha University Faculty of Policy Studies Department of Policy Studies
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Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Economic policy
, Business administration
Research theme for competitive and other funds (27):
2020 - 2025 A Study of the Relation between Work Satisfaction and Labor Productivity in Finland and Germany
2017 - 2020 Facilitation and stagnation of career development for professional workers in organizations
2016 - 2019 Health economic study on the needs based projection of physician demand - supply and health resources allocation in community
2013 - 2018 Professional Confidence and Career Development for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2012 - 2016 Effects of International Labor Mobility on Innovation in Multinational Firms
2011 - 2015 Comparison analysis on patenting and firms' performance
2011 - 2013 人と組織に着目したグローバル企業によるイノベーション創出の国際比較研究
2008 - 2010 Comparison analysis of patenting in China between Japan and the US companies
2008 - 2010 A Study on Human Resource Management that Enhances Work Motivation and Creativity of R & D Engineers
2007 - 2009 医療人材の地域間・医療機関間偏在の原因と影響、及び政策対応の研究
2007 - Business Succession
2007 - Career development of engineers
2007 - 事業の承継
2007 - 技術者の養成とキャリア開発
2002 - 2004 日本的内部労働市場の変質の伴う失業問題への雇用・産業政策の協調的運用の研究
1999 - 2001 An Analysis of Emerging Labor Market in Japan
1993 - 1993 戦後民主改革から高度経済成長初期にかけての日本の賃金構造の研究
1991 - 1992 A Comparison of the U.S. and Japan Labor-Management Models
A Comparative Analysis of Wage Determination with special attention on where it is negotiated.
Analysis of Gender Wage differentials
Characteristics of Japanese firms' employment adjustment: A Comparative Analysis
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Papers (53):
中田 喜文. 「学べない,学ばせない,学ばない日本をどう変える: 5 カ国調査から見えてきた日本の情報システム技術者の特徴と職場の課」. 『情報システム学会誌』. 2019. 14. 2. 89-108
中田 喜文. 「医療専門職の労働条件,職場環境,そして働き方と医療サービス: 日米比較の視点を交えて」. 『社会保障研究』. 2019. 3. 4. 505-520
古田克利, 中田 喜文. 「電機産業で働く技術者のキャリア自律と労働移動」. 『キャリアデザイン研究』. 2019. 15. 2-15
中田 喜文. 「日本のソフトウェア技術者の生産性と労働条件の決まり方とその政策的示唆:アメリカ,中国,フランス,ドイツとの比較を交えて」. 『SEC Journal』. 2018. 14. 1. 10-17
中田 喜文. 「『京都ものづくり企業調査』からみる長寿企業の特徴と高齢者の役割」. 『エルダー』. 2018. 2018. 4. 7-11
MISC (44):
January : What is required for the Succession of the Small Enterprises?. 2014. 33. 147-171
Nakata,Yoshifumi, Cole, Robert. The Japanese Software Industry: What Went Wrong And What Can We Learn From It?. California Management Review. 2014. 57. 1. 16-43
Xingyuan Zhang, Yoshifumi Nakata. Why do Japanese companies file patents in China? Revisited. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China. 2013. 4. 2. 119-135
Monthly Research Workshop : January : Findings from the US-Japan Comparative Research on High Mobility Labour Market for the Professional Occupation. 2012. 31. 163-192
中田喜文. 技術立国日本の再興にむけて-職場のあり方と技術者の働き方を問う. 電機連合NAVI. 2012. 43. 43819
Books (24):
「第1節 海外と比較したIT人材の働き方と生産性」情報サービス産業協会編『ITエンジニアの働き方改革 情報サービス産業白書2019』
インプレス 2019
「IT技術者の労働時間と生産性」情報サービス産業協会編『ITエンジニアの働き方改革 情報サービス産業白書2019』
インプレス 2019
Why Do Japanese Companies File Patents in China?
Palgrave Macmillan 2011
Have Japanese Engineers Changed?
Palgrave Macmillan 2011
Have Japanese Firms Changed? :The Lost Decade
Palgrave Macmillan 2011
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Business Succesion of Kyoto Firms
(Supporting Network for Business Creation and Succession of Kyoto Firms 2014)
Business Succesion of Kyoto Firms
(The Forth Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Business Succession 2013)
(科学技術振興機構 2010)
(文部科学省科学技術政策研究所 2010)
Patent strategies of Japanese firms: Evaluation from Human Resource perspective
(University of Cambridge, Institute of Manufacturing 2009)
Education (8):
- 1988 Osaka University
- 1988 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1986 University of California, Berkeley
- 1986 University of California, Berkeley Ph.D.in Economics
- 1981 Osaka University
- 1981 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1979 Osaka University School of Economics
- 1979 Osaka University Faculty of Economics
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Professional career (2):
Ph.D. (University of California)
Master of Economics (Osaka University)
Committee career (2):
2009 - The Japan Society for Business Succession Chairman of Board of Trustees
2009 - 一般社団法人 事業承継学会 理事(2009年-2015年代表理事)
Awards (4):
1998 - Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics
1998 - Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics
1994 - 冲永賞
1989 - 日本労務学会研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本労務学会
, 日本労使関係研究協会
, アメリカ労使関係研究協会
, 一般社団法人 事業承継学会
, Industrial Relations Research Association
, The Japan Society for Business Succession
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