Research field (2):
Solid earth science
, Biogeoscience
Research keywords (4):
, 地質学
, Stratigraphy and Paleontology
, Geology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2019 - 2023 地質時代境界事変のペースメーカーとしての天文周期
2016 - 2020 Challenge to Prediction of Crustal Deformation by geochemical compositions of Non-volcanic Hot spring water, Shikoku, Japan
2015 - 2019 Environmental change elucidated from seawater Os isotope in Phanerozoic
2013 - 2016 A study on ocean Neutralization
2007 - 2009 New technology of phytoremediation of heavy metal-polluted soil and water in abandoned mines
2007 - 2009 Analysis of whole Triassic oceanic events-OAEs repeated in deep-sea-
2001 - 2002 Construction of Global standard of micropaleontology at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary
2000 - 2002 Origin and evolution of the Mesozoic high latitude radiolarian faunas in New Zealand and Russia
1995 - 1996 Geological Study of radiolarian-bearing strata in New Zealand -Evolution and faunal change of southern hemisphere high latitude radiolarians
1990 - 1990 テチス域におけるジュラ紀古世放散虫化石の群集変化
Palaeoenvironmental study of Radiolaria and deep-sea sediments
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Papers (112):
Sofia Rauzi, William J. Foster, Satoshi Takahashi, Rie S. Hori, Brian J. Beaty, Lidya G. Tarhan, Terry Isson. Lithium isotopic evidence for enhanced reverse weathering during the Early Triassic warm period. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024. 121. 32
Hironao Matsumoto, Junichiro Kuroda, Rie S. Hori, Katsuhiko Suzuki. Barremian to Aptian Os isotopic record of a pelagic deep-sea chert (Goshikinohama-bedded chert) in a Japanese accretionary complex. Cretaceous Research. 2023. 152. 105669-105669
Maximilien Bôle, Takayuki Ushikubo, Rie S. Hori, Peter O. Baumgartner, Yuki Nakai, Masayuki Ikeda. Si isotope ratio of radiolaria across Triassic-Jurassic transition in a pelagic deep-sea bedded chert (Inuyama, Japan). Global and Planetary Change. 2022. 215
Yuki Nakagawa, Julien Legrand, Maximilien Bôle, Rie S. Hori, Junichiro Kuroda, Hitoshi Hasegawa, Masayuki Ikeda. Terrestrial and marine organic matter evidence from a Cretaceous deep-sea chert of Japan: Implications for enhanced hydrological cycle during the Aptian OAE 1a. Global and Planetary Change. 2022. 215
Akihisa Kitamura, Sota Okazaki, Mitsuru Kondo, Takahiro Watanabe, Toshimichi Nakanishi, Rie S. Hori, Masayuki Ikeda, Koji Ichimura, Yuki Nakagawa, Hideki Mori. Geochemical and grain composition analysis of embankment and debris flow deposits in the Izusan area, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. 2022. 49. 73-86
Hori Rie S., Hiraoka Miu, Sano Shin-ichi. Reexamination of a Torinosu-type limestone brock in the southwestern part of Shikoku Seiyo Geopark, Japan. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. 2023. 2023. 204
BOLE Maximilien, BOLE Maximilien, BOLE Maximilien, 池田昌之, 牛久保孝行, 堀利栄, BAUMGARTNER Peter, 中井佑樹. High resolution Si isotope profile of pelagic radiolarites across the Triassic-Jurassic extinction interval. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2022. 2022
佐賀昇吾, 堀利栄, 岡本隆, 鍔本武久, 楠橋直, 佐藤たまき, 向井一勝, 朝永悠斗, 脇山涼輔. A study of vertebrate teeth from the Izumi Group, Himezuka in Dogo, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. 日本古生物学会例会講演予稿集. 2022. 171st (CD-ROM)
堀利栄, 河村淳平, 田村哲平, 近藤康生. Rediscovery and palaeontological study of Silurian trilobite-bearing outcrop in the Okanaro Group from the Kurosegawa tectonic zone, Seiyo, Shikoku, Japan. 日本古生物学会年会講演予稿集. 2022. 2022 (CD-ROM)
A tribute to prof. Kojiro Nakaseko : 第11回放散虫研究集会-中世古幸次郎先生追悼集会(松山)特別号
大阪微化石研究会・編集委員会 2015
The oceanic Permian/Triassic boundary sequence at Arrow Rocks (Oruatemanu), Northland, New Zealand,
GNS Science, New Zealand 2007
Catalogue and systematics of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian radiolarian genera and species
ZRC Publishing 2006
古今書院 2004 ISBN:4772250883
古今書院 2003 ISBN:4772250794
Lectures and oral presentations (85):
Case study on Radiolarian skeletogenesis and feeding style -A review of recent achievements
(JpGU 2023Meeting 2023)
A movie of living Radiolaria from surface seawater of the Kuroshio current near Japan for Education and future study ver.2
(IneterRad XVI Ljubljana in Slovenia 2022)
Silurian Radiolarian fossils from the type area of Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone, Shikoku-Seiyo Geopark, Japan
(IneterRad XVI Ljubljana in Slovenia 2022)
Radiolarian fossils from the type area of Okanaro Group, Kurosegawa tectonic zone, Seiyo, western Shikoku, Japan
Discovery of fossil assemblages from the Takayama limestone block of the Southern Chichibu Belt, Akehama Town, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
(The 20th Meeting of Geological Society of Japan, Shikoku Branch, Matsuyama (Ehime) 2020)
1987 - 1990 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, (PhD) Geology
1985 - 1987 Osaka City University Graduate School of Science, Master
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Osaka City University)
Work history (15):
2014/10 - 現在 Ehime University Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor
2021/04 - 2024/03 Ehime University Vice-president
2018/04 - 2021/03 Ehime University Special Aide to the President
2017/04 - 2021/03 Ehime University Women's Future Development Center Head of Center
2018/12 - 2018/12 University of Lille Invited Research speaker
2015/04 - 2017/03 Ehime University Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering Head of Department
2007 - 2014/10 - 愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科 准教授
2011/04 - 2011/10 ルンド大学(スウェーデン) 客員教授
2005 - 2007 Ehime University Graduate School of Science and Engineering
1994 - 2005 Ehime University Faculty of Science
1994 - 1997 東雲短期大学 非常勤講師
1996 - 1996 文部省 研究開発動向調査研究員
1992 - 1994 Ehime University
1990 - 1992 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1990 - 1991 通産省工業技術院地質調査所地質部
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Committee career (9):
2024/06 - 現在 JpGU Director
2024 - 現在 The Geological Society of Japan Delegate member
2016 - 現在 日本惑星科学連合 ダイバーシティ推進委員会
2022/06 - 2024/05 JpGU Vice-president
2022 - 2024 日本地質学会 理事
2018 - 2021 日本地質学会 代議員
2007 - 2009 日本地質学会 評議員
2005 - 2007 日本地質学会 代議員
2007 - 日本地質学会 男女共同参画委員会委員長
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Awards (8):
2023/04 - Faculty of Science lty of Science Research Award
2021/04 - lty of Science, Ehime University lty of Science Research Award
2010 - 優秀講演賞
2007 - ポスター賞
2007 - Poster Award
2006 - 学生奨励賞
2006 - Student Award
Faculty of Science, Ehime University Best Teacher Award
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Association Membership(s) (10):
, JpGU
, International Association of Radiolarian Palaeontologists
, ニュージーランド王立協会
, ニュージーランド地質学会
, 日本古生物学会
, 日本地質学会
, The Geosciences Society of New Zealand
, Palaeontological Society of Japan
, Geological Society of Japan