Research field (3):
Environmental and pharmaceutical development resources
, Bioorganic chemistry
, Applied biochemistry
Research keywords (8):
hetero acidic polysaccharide decomposition system
, Selenomonas ruminantium
, Red Beans
, Bean sprout
, polyamine
, poly lactic acid
, acetan
, Paenibacillus
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2015 - 現在 カット野菜の褐変現象抑制に関する研究
2015 - 現在 もやし製造工程における糸状菌の抑制技術開発の研究
2011 - 現在 粘液細菌の生産する有用物質に関する研究
2002 - 現在 Selenomonas ruminantiumのポリアミン代謝
1998 - 現在 Purification of acetan degradation enzyme
1998 - 現在 Study for poly lactic acid depolymerase
2014 - 2015 高脂肪豆乳の酵素処理による有効利用法の開発
2014 - 2015 発酵豆乳用乳酸菌に関する研究
2005 - 2006 Regulation of poly-gamma-glutamate synthesis and degradation in Bacillus subtlis
2000 - 2001 Bactericidal principle of the fermented aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and a possible use of the Stevia extract as a feed supplemen for prevention of the digestive tract infections.
1998 - 1999 Bactericidal principle of the fermented aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and a possible use of the Stevia extract as a feed supplement for prevention of the digestive tract infections
1994 - 1994 粘液細菌の生産する抗生物質メゴバリシンの作用機構の解明
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Papers (36):
Yu Zheng, Mayumi Maruoka, Kei Nanatani, Masafumi Hidaka, Naoki Abe, Jun Kaneko, Yasuteru Sakai, Keietsu Abe, Akira Yokota, Shuhei Yabe. High cellulolytic potential of the Ktedonobacteria lineage revealed by genome-wide analysis of CAZymes. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2021. 131. 6. 622-630