Analysis of molecular mechanisms for drug resistance of cancer cells
Analysis of molecular mechanisms for lactational transfer of xenobiotics
Analysis of mechanisms for substrate recognition and transport of anti-cancer drug transporters, P-glycoprotein and MRP.
Analysis of molecular mechanisms for lactational transfer of xenobiotics.
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Papers (24):
Yoshitomo TAGUCHI. Structure, Expression and Functions of Bovine Alpha-Tocopherol Transfer Protein (α-TTP). Recent Advances in Biological Research. 2019. 5. 72-77
Yoshitomo Taguchi, Mari Komatsu-Tanaka, Norie Hirose, Yurie Kaji, Kazuhiro Saeki. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of bovine alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP). Annual Research and Review in Biology. 2017. 12. 5. 1-7
How do P-glycoprotein and other ABC proteins recognize their substrates? (共著)
「Control and diseases of sodium dependent transport Proteins and ion channels」Elsevier Science B.V. 2000
Multidurg resistance in cancer cells. (分担題名 : Role of P-glycoprotein in the transport of hormones and peptides. )「共著」
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1996
Lectures and oral presentations (64):
Analysis for mechanisms of modulations of anti-cancer drug transporter ABCG2 (BCRP1) by protein kinases MEK1 and LKB1.
Modulations of expression and activity of anti-cancer drug transporter ABCG2 (BCRP1) by protein kinases.
Modulations of expression and activity of anti-cancer drug transporter ABCG2 (BCRP1) by protein kinases
Search for intereactions between ABC transporters and proteins modulating their activities and intracellular localization.
(The 15th Annual Meeting of the Japan Transporter Research Association 2020)
Search for regions for substrate recognition of multi-drug transporter MRP1 (ABCC1) utilizing chimeric proteins between bovine and human orthologs.