J-GLOBAL ID:200901075757791526
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Hotani Hirokazu
ホウタニ ヒロカズ | Hotani Hirokazu
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Affiliation and department:
Japan Science and Technology Agency
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Research field (2):
Cell biology
, Biophysics
Research keywords (4):
, 生物物理学
, Cell Biology
, Biophysics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Formation of artificial cells
Dynamic features of membrane vesicles and cytoskeletons
MISC (50):
Dynamic transformation of liposomes revealed by dark-field microscopy. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, eds. Y. Iwasawa, N. Oyama and H. Kunieda, Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam, The Nether lands. 2001. 495-500
Capabilities of liposomes for topological transformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2001. 98. 5. 2340-2345
H Kitazawa, J Iida, A Uchida, K Haino-Fukushima, TJ Itoh, H Hotani, K Ookata, H Murofushi, JC Bulinski, T Kishimoto, et al. Ser787 in the proline-rich region of human MAP4 is a critical phosphorylation site that reduces its activity to promote tubulin polymerization. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. 2000. 25. 1. 33-39
Y Suezaki, H Ichinose, K Takiguchi, H Hotani. A theory for the adsorption of protein to liposomal membranes. STATISTICAL PHYSICS. 2000. 519. 435-445
F Nomura, M Honda, S Takeda, T Umeda, K Takiguchi, H Hotani. Morphological and topological transformations of lipid bilayer vesicles. STATISTICAL PHYSICS. 2000. 519. 426-434
Books (14):
生物工学基礎コース、生物物理学、猪飼篤、宝谷紘一編、(株)丸善 1998
生物に学ぶマシン一柔らかく優しく動く機械、第12回「大学と科学」公開シンポジュウム組織委員会編、(株)クバプロ 1998
Supramolecular Biosystems.
Toward an Artificial Cell.
タンパク質化学、第6巻、細胞骨格と筋肉のタンパク質。矢原一郎編。廣川書店。 1997
Education (4):
- 1969 Nagoya University
- 1969 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1963 Kobe University Faculty of Science
- 1963 Kobe University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
Work history (3):
1996 - 1997 日本生物物理学会会長
1994 - 1996 東京大学大学院工学研究科併任教授
1986 - 1991 新技術事業団超分子柔構造プロジェクト総括責任者
Committee career (1):
1996 - 1997 日本生物物理学会 会長
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本細胞生物学会
, 日本分子生物会学
, 日本生物物理学会
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