Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2021 - 2024 重元素ナノ粒子添加ピコ秒シンチレータによる放射光X線時間分解イメージング
2017 - 2021 Continuous measurements in nanosecond time scale of synchrotron radiation with advanced Si-APD pixel X-ray detector
2013 - 2018 Interdisciplinary research on quantum imaging opened with 3D semiconductor detector
2013 - 2018 Imagingforthe studies of spatial hierarchy structure and dynamics using synchrotron radiation
2013 - 2017 Development of ultrafast pixel-array X-ray detector with sub-nanosecond time resolution
2009 - 2010 Optimization of the Ultra-fast Scintillation Material for a Sub-nanosecond Timing X-ray Detector
2008 - 2010 Investigation of the mechanism on nuclear excitation by electron transition and its application
2004 - 2005 Precise Measurement of NEET Probability on Au-197 by Using Synchrotron Radiation
2003 - 2005 Understanding of optical luminescence mechanism of phosphors by establishment of X-ray luminescence holography
2003 - 2003 オスミウム187のL殻電離によるNEET観測の試み
2001 - 2002 Research of Nuclear Excitation by Electron Transition on ^<189>Os
1997 - 1998 Development of Time-spectroscopy System for Observing Internal-conversion Electrons at Rare Nuclear Excitation Phenomena
1994 - 1995 The development of two-dimensional position-sensitive counter for high-energy X rays provided from synchrotron radiation facility
1988 - 1988 放射光による核共鳴散乱電子のヘリウム封入型比例計数管を用いた検出
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Papers (80):
Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Ryutaro Nishimura, Shunji Kishimoto, Yasuo Arai, Toshinobu Miyoshi. Development of a new high-speed data acquisition system prototype for SOI pixel detector using SiTCP-XG, a 10-gigabit Ethernet network processor. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. 2374. 1. 012093-012093
Atsushi Sato, Arisa Magi, Masanori Koshimizu, Yutaka Fujimoto, Shunji Kishimoto, Keisuke Asai. Photoluminescence and scintillation characteristics of Bi-loaded PVK-based plastic scintillators for the high counting-rate measurement of high-energy X-rays. RSC Advances. 2021. 11. 26. 15581-15589