J-GLOBAL ID:200901083250979054   Update date: Jul. 24, 2022

Nakagawa Yuko

ナカガワ ユウコ | Nakagawa Yuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Research field  (2): Literature - British/English-languag ,  Gender studies
Research keywords  (1): American Literature, Henry James, Nineteenth-century America, Nineteenth-century woman writers, gender, New Woman, Ghost, Alice James
Papers (27):
  • 中川優子. (「読者の声」『マーク・トウェイン 研究と批評』第13号合評)マーク・トウェインと戦争. マーク・トウェイン 研究と批評. 2015. 14. 123-124
  • 中川優子. 短評『世界文化シリーズ3 アメリカ文化 55のキーワード』. アメリカ文学研究. 2015. 51. 123-124
  • Yuko Nakagawa. The Narrators in Henry James's Ghost Stories: the First-Person Narrators in "Sir Edmund Orme" and "The Turn of the Screw". Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Narrative: Hardy and James (Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University International Conference Series No.1). 2014. 18-24
  • Yuko Nakagawa. Research on American Literature and Translation. Studies in American Literature. 2014. 50. 23
  • 中川優子. Short Review of <I>The Loss of America: Again on the Highway<i/>. Studies in American Literature. 2014. 50. 132
Books (5):
  • Reading Henry James, Now: New Essays Commemorating the Centennial of His Death
    Eihosha 2016 ISBN:9784269740358
  • A Japanese Translation of The Diary of Alice James
    Eihosha 2016 ISBN:9784269820463
  • <i>Further Readings and Discussions on Classic American Literature </i>(vol.2)
    Nan'un-do 2007 ISBN:9784523293026
  • Readings and Discussions on Classic American Literature (vol.1)
    Nan'undo 2001 ISBN:452329268X
  • American Jeremiad: Puritanism in American Literary History
    Shohakusha 1999 ISBN:4881989146
Lectures and oral presentations  (9):
  • Alice James and Her Family in <i>The Diary of Alice James</i>
    (Jamesian Cultural Anxiety in the East and in the West: the 7th International Conference of the Henry James Society 2017)
  • The Diary of Alice Jamesにおけるイギリス批判とEmily Dickinson評価について
    (日本アメリカ文学会関西支部10月例会 2015)
  • 『アリス・ジェイムズの日記』の翻訳について
    (ヘンリー・ジェイムズ研究会 2015)
  • The Narrators in Henry James's Ghost Stories
    (1st International Conference on Narrative: Hardy and James 2013)
  • American Literature and Ghosts (Yuko Nakagawa, Introduction and "Characters Haunting Ghosts in Henry James's 'The Ghostly Rental' and 'The Third Person')
    (The 56th Kansai Branch Forum 2012)
Education (2):
  • - 1989 Sophia University Graduate School, Division of Letters English and American Literature
  • - 1982 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language English
Professional career (1):
  • Master of Arts
Work history (2):
  • 1995/04/01 - Ritsumeikan University, Professor
  • 1989/04/01 - 1995/03/31 Gifu University, Associate Professor
Committee career (8):
  • 2015/04 - 2018/11 日本アメリカ文学会関西支部 編集委員
  • 2017/04 - 2018/03 立命館大学・文学部 副学部長
  • 2013/04 - 2015/03 日本アメリカ文学会 編集委員
  • 2008/04 - 2012/03 Director of International Education, Division of International Affairs
  • 2008/04 - 2012/03 衣笠国際教育センター長
Show all
Awards (1):
  • 1989 - ロゲンドルフ賞佳作
Association Membership(s) (5):
MLA ,  The American Literature Society of Japan ,  The Japanese Association for American Studies ,  The English Literary Society of Japan ,  Soundings English Literary Association
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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