J-GLOBAL ID:200901089720213590
Update date: Dec. 06, 2024
Koyama Michihisa
コヤマ ミチヒサ | Koyama Michihisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (2):
Shinshu University
Verne Crystal, Inc.
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (9):
Recycling systems and society
, Fluid engineering
, Clinical pharmacy
, Electronic devices and equipment
, Energy chemistry
, Transfer phenomena and unit operations
, Machine elements and tribology
, Design engineering
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (43):
digital screening
, startup
, Massively Parallel Computing
, Multinary Nanoalloy
, Materials Informatics
, Open Innovation
, Multi-physics Simulation
, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
, 主代謝酵素予測
, 薬物代謝
, in silico
, マルチスケールシミュレーション
, 多活性点吸着
, 反応流動
, モンテカルロ法
, 多孔質
, 分子動力学
, ハイブリッド量子分子動力学法
, プラズマディスプレイ
, 機械的摩擦
, トライボロジーシミュレータ
, 潤滑油添加剤
, 高速化量子分子動力学法
, 化学反応
, SCF-Tight-binding近似
, シミュレータ開発
, MgO保護膜
, 構造破壊
, 2次電子放出
, トライボケミカル反応
, 結晶成長
, 破壊現象ダイナミクス
, マルチフィジックス
, 不規則性多孔体
, 計算化学
, 燃料電池
, マルチスケール計算化学
, 多孔質工学
, irregular porous material
, computational chemistry
, fuel cell
, multi-scale computational chemistry
, porous materials engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (32):
- 2021 - 2025 Prediction of Catalytic Activity of Multinary Alloy Nanoparticle by Real-system All-electron Calculations
- 2020 - 2025 Creation of multi-element high entropy nano-alloys by non-equilibrium synthesis methods
- 2021 - 2023 Atomistic Insights into Interfacial Characteristics for Energy Conversion
- 2021 - 2023 エネルギー界面特性の分子論的解明
- 2014 - 2018 Cost structure analysis of emerging technology in energy supply chain
- 2013 - 2016 Creation of paper-like fuel cell
- 2013 - 2016 Development of Methodology for Optimizing Transport in Porous Electrode for Next Generation Storage Devices
- 2009 - 2012 Development of Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method for Clarifying the Molecular Flow in Nano-pore Coupled with Surface Chemical Reaction
- 2008 - 2012 Development of Multi-level Tribology Simulator based on Ultra-accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics
- 2006 - 2008 Development of Multi-Physics Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method for the Theoretical Design of Plasma Display
- 2005 - 2008 多孔質電極微細構造の理論最適化に基づく固体酸化物燃料電池高性能電極の開発
- 2005 - 2008 Development of active electrodes for solid oxide fuel cell by optimizing microstructure of porous electrode
- 2008 - 多孔質ナノ空間の分子シミュレーション
- 2008 - Molecular Simulation of Porous Nano-space
- 2006 - 2007 ヒトにおける薬物主代謝酵素予測のための新規in silico手法の開発
- 2006 - 2007 Development of novel in silico method for predicting main metabolic enzyme of drugs in human body
- 2006 - 2007 ヒトにおける薬物主代謝酵素予測のための新規in silico手法の開発
- 2004 - 2007 Development of Tribochemical Reaction Simulator Based on Hybrid Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method
- 2007 - 固体高分子形燃料電池MEA劣化に関するマルチスケール計算化学解析
- 2007 - Multi-scale computational chemistry study on degradation of MEA for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
- 2005 - 2006 量子分子動力学法に基づく統合的計算化学手法による高導電性・高耐久性電解質膜の理論設計に関する研究開発
- 2005 - 2006 Theoretical design of polymer electrolytes with high conductivity and long lifetime by integrated computational chemistry based on quantum chemical molecular dynamics method
- 2005 - 3次元多孔質構造モデルに基づくマルチスケール計算化学手法の開発と応用
- 2005 - Development of multi-scale computational chemistry method based on three-dimensional porous structure model and its application
- 2003 - 統合的計算化学手法の燃料電池への応用
- 2003 - 薬物代謝in silico解析手法の開発と応用
- 2003 - Application of integrative computational chemistry method to fuel cells
- 2003 - Development and Applications of in silico methods for drug metabolomics study
- 2001 - モデルの創発的発見及び統合に基づく新規計算手法開発
- 2001 - Development of emergent model discovery and integration based simulation approach
- 1996 - 固体酸化物燃料電池についての研究
- 1996 - Research on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
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Papers (295):
Kaoru Hisama, Atsushi Ishikawa, Susan Menez Aspera, Michihisa Koyama. Theoretical Catalyst Screening of Multielement Alloy Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis Using Machine Learning Potential and Generative Artificial Intelligence. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2024
Tetsuya Honbo, Yutaro Ono, Kota Suetsugu, Mitsuo Hara, Attila Taborosi, Kentaro Aoki, Shusaku Nagano, Michihisa Koyama, Yuki Nagao. Effects of Alkyl Side Chain Length on the Structural Organization and Proton Conductivity of Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 2024
Hirotaka Ashitani, Shogo Kawaguchi, Kohei Kusada, Yusuke Nanba, Susan Meñez Aspera, Michihisa Koyama, Naomi Kawamura, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Osami Sakata. Extended Unit Cell Model Employing Two Vectors for Crystal Structure Analysis in IrPd Nanoparticles for Catalysis. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2024
Mongkol Tipplook, Kaoru Hisama, Michihisa Koyama, Kazunori Fujisawa, Fumitaka Hayashi, Tomohito Sudare, Katsuya Teshima. Cation-Doped Nanocarbons for Enhanced Perfluoroalkyl Substance Removal: Exotic Bottom-Up Solution Plasma Synthesis and Characterization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024
Susan Menez ASPERA, Gerardo Valadez HUERTA, Yusuke NANBA, Kaoru HISAMA, Michihisa KOYAMA. Machine Learning in Catalysis: Analysis and Prediction of CO Adsorption on Multi-elemental Nanoparticle using Metal Coordination-based Regression Model. Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan. 2024. 23. 1. 19-23
MISC (139):
グリーン水素の動向とビジネスチャンス. 2022. 18. 12. 37-41
古山 通久. イノベーションの基礎と工学・材料分野の事例(第10回)スタートアップ目線での初期事業領域の選定. 2021. 85. 12. 693-695
Gerardo Valadez Huerta, Yusuke Nanba, Iori Kurata, Kosuke Nakago, So Takamoto, Chikashi Shinagawa, Michihisa Koyama. Calculations of Real-System Nanoparticles Using Universal Neural Network Potential PFP. 2021
古山 通久. イノベーションの基礎と工学・材料分野の事例(第9回)蓄電デバイスの刷新 : グラフェンスーパーキャパシタ. 2021. 85. 5. 311-313
草田康平, 草田康平, WU Dongshuang, 難波優輔, 古山通久, 山本知一, XUAN Quy Tran, 鳥山誉亮, 松村晶, 佐藤勝俊, et al. 配置エントロピー効果を用いた高活性高耐久性を示す固溶ナノ合金三元触媒の開発. 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 128th
Patents (3):
Books (17):
Theoretical Aspects of Gold Nano-Catalyst for Ethanol and Glucose Oxidation", in "Nanomaterials for Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells
Pan Stanford Publishing 2016
Energy Technology Roadmaps of Japan: Future Energy Systems Based on Feasible Technologies Beyond 2030
Springer 2016
Utilizing Risk Analysis and Scenario Planning for Technology Roadmapping”, in Strategic Planning Decisions in the High Tech Industry: Methods and Cases
Springer 2013
ゼロから見直すエネルギー 節電,創エネからスマートグリッドまで
丸善出版 2012 ISBN:4621085131
化学工業社 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (992):
(日本コンピュータ化学会年会講演予稿集 2018)
(日本コンピュータ化学会年会講演予稿集 2018)
(触媒討論会討論会A予稿集 2018)
(化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2018)
(化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2018)
Works (2):
2008 -
2004 - 2006
Education (3):
- 1999 - 2002 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Chemical System Engineering
- 1997 - 1999 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Chemical System Engineering
- - 1997 The University of Tokyo The Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemical System Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D.(Eng.) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (18):
- 2022/01 - 現在 Verne Crystal, Inc. COO
- 2021/04 - 現在 信州大学 先鋭領域融合研究群 先鋭材料研究所 データ駆動型AIラボ ラボ長
- 2019/12 - 現在 株式会社X-Scientia(クロスサイエンティア) 代表取締役
- 2019/04 - 現在 Shinshu University Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Research Initiative for Supra-Materials
- 2020/04 - 2023/11 株式会社マテリアルイノベーションつくば 研究戦略企画部長
- 2021/02 - 2022/03 Kyoto University Open Innovation Institute Professor
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 Hiroshima University Advanced Science and Engineering Visiting Professor
- 2017/04 - 2020/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering Visiting Professor
- 2016/10 - 2020/03 National Institute for Materials Science Unit Director
- 2018/04 - 2019/03 Shinshu University Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Center for Energy and Environmental Science Professor
- 2009/04 - 2018/03 Kyushu University Inamori Frontier Research Center Professor
- 2016/10 - 2017/03 Hiroshima University Institute of Engineering Visiting Professor
- 2008/11 - 2009/03 Kyushu University
- 2008/04 - 2008/11 Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
- 2007/04 - 2008/03 Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry
- 2003/10 - 2007/03 Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry
- 2003/08 - 2003/09 シャルマーズ工科大学
- 2002/04 - 2003/09 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 博士研究員
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Committee career (11):
- 2022/04 - 現在 プラチナ構想ネットワーク 社会実装推進委員会委員長
- 2021/10 - 現在 化学工学会 地域連携カーボンニュートラル推進委員会 委員
- 2014/05 - 現在 日本コンピュータ化学会 理事
- 2021/03 - 2023/04 プラチナ構想ネットワーク サーキュラーエコノミーワーキンググループ主査
- 2017/04 - 2023/04 化学工学会戦略企画センター 次世代エネルギー社会検討委員会 副委員長
- 2022/01 - 2022/05 特許庁 特許分析のための環境関連技術区分表に関する検討会 委員
- 2020/05 - 2021/03 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 水素製造技術開発検討委員会 委員
- 2013/05 - 2014/05 触媒学会 西日本支部 幹事
- 2012/05 - 2014/04 電気学会 レジリエントエネルギーシステム協同研究委員会
- 2011/04 - 2012/04 化学工学会戦略企画センター 緊急提言委員会 委員
- 2003 - 触媒学会 コンピューター利用研究会 世話人
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Awards (12):
- 2021/06 - The Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan The Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan Award
- 2014/04 - the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology The Young Scientists' Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2014)
- 2011/07 - The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Best Paper Award, Surface Engineering Technical Committee
- 2009/03 - The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan The SCEJ Young Investigator Researcher Award, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan Development of Three-Dimensional Porous Structure Simulator and Its Application to Irregular Porous Materials
- 2008/05 - 日本コンピュータ化学会 日本コンピュータ化学会 吉田賞(論文賞)
- 2008/03 - 電気化学会 電気化学会ポスター賞
- 2008 - Poster Award, Electrochemistry Society of Japan
- 2008 - Yoshida Award (Paper Award), Computer Chemistry Society, Japan
- 2006 - Excellent Poster Award, 2006 Annual Meeting of CBI Society
- 2006 - 財団法人 みやぎ産業科学振興基金 第7回研究奨励賞
- 2006 - Excellent Poster Award, 2006 Annual Meeting of CBI Society
- 2006 - Young Researcher Award, Miyagi Funding for Industry Promotion
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Association Membership(s) (10):
, 日本コンピュータ化学会
, 化学工学会
, 触媒学会
, 電気化学会
, Catalysis society of Japan
, The Chemical Society of Japan
, Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
, The electrochemical society of Japan
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