Research field (3):
Quantum beam science
, Applied physics - general
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (4):
, エネルギー回収リニアック
, 自由電子レーザー
, 高輝度電子銃
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2015 - 2019 Generation of high brightness electron beam and suppression of micro-bunching instability for XFEL operating at MHz-class repetition rate
2015 - 2018 Development of Smith Purcell FEL at fundamental wavelength for a compact THz light source
2011 - 2013 Development of an asymetric optical resonator for the monochromatic gamma-ray source
2011 - 2013 Study on microbunching instability using a photoemission dc gun
2008 - 2010 Generation of high-brilliance electron beams via temporal pulse-shaping technique
2008 - 2010 Non-destructive detection of Radio Isotope by using Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence
2006 - 2007 Development of Beam Position Monitor Using HOM Coupler
2003 - 2005 Study on Beam Dynamics and Beam Instabilities for a Next Generation Light Source Based on an Energy-Recovery Linac
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Papers (124):
Nobuyuki NISHIMORI, Takahiro WATANABE, Hitoshi TANAKA. A 3 GeV Light Source “NanoTerasu”. Vacuum and Surface Science. 2022. 65. 12. 560-565
Yuji Hosaka, Nobuyuki Nishimori, Toshiro Itoga, Shingo Nakazawa, Shinichiro Tanaka, Toshio Seno, Chikara Kondo, Takahiro Inagaki, Toru Fukui, Takahiro Watanabe, et al. Visualization of light-emitting diode lighting damage process in radiation environment by an in situ measurement. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 61. 7. 076504-076504
K. Fukami, T. Inagaki, T. Iwashita, H. Nakanishi, N. Nishimori, S. Takano, Y. Takemura, T. Taniuchi, T. Watanabe, H. Yamaguchi, et al. Iron lamination and interlaminar insulation for high-frequency pulsed magnets. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2022. 93. 2. 023301-023301
Nobuyuki Nishimori, Takahiro Watanabe, Hitoshi Tanaka. R & D and Building Design for a Highly Brilliant 3 GeV Light Source Accelerator System. J. Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. 2021. 18. 1. 28-37
Takao Asaka, Nobuyuki Nishimori, Takahiro Inagaki, Yuji Otake, Hitoshi Tanaka. Transparent-grid scheme for generating cathode-emittance-dominated beams in a gridded thermionic gun. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2020. 60. 1. 017001-017001
Kashiwagi S, Nishimori N, Hinode F, Miura S, Muto T, Hama H, Ninomiya S, Zen H, Kanomata K, Saito H, et al. Pulse length evaluation from frequency spectrum of coherent transition radiation measured by Michelson interferometer. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2018. 73. 0. 517-517
Nishimori Nobuyuki, Nagai Ryoji, Matauba Shunya, Hajima Ryoichi. 27pTM-5 Smith Purcell radiation experiments using photoemisaion DC gun. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 181-181