J-GLOBAL ID:201201026993657789
Update date: Jun. 25, 2024
Inoue Tetsushi
イノウエ テツシ | Inoue Tetsushi
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Affiliation and department:
Nagasaki University
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Applied microbiology
Research keywords (3):
, 共生
, 微生物
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2017 - 2020 腸内細菌叢の代謝系がアワビの成長差に与える影響の解明
Papers (51):
Yuniar Devi Utami, Hirokazu Kuwahara, Katsura Igai, Takumi Murakami, Kaito Sugaya, Takahiro Morikawa, Yuichi Nagura, Masahiro Yuki, Pinsurang Deevong, Tetsushi Inoue, et al. Genome analyses of uncultured TG2/ZB3 bacteria in ‘Margulisbacteria’ specifically attached to ectosymbiotic spirochetes of protists in the termite gut. ISME Journal. 2019. 13. 2. 455-467
Yuniar Devi Utami, Hirokazu Kuwahara, Takumi Murakami, Takahiro Morikawa, Kaito Sugaya, Kumiko Kihara, Masahiro Yuki, Nathan Lo, Pinsurang Deevong, Sasitorn Hasin, et al. Phylogenetic diversity and single-cell genome analysis of “melainabacteria”, a non-photosynthetic cyanobacterial group, in the termite gut. Microbes and Environments. 2018. 33. 1. 50-57
INOUE Tetsushi, KUDO Toshiaki, ZHANG Xiaochi, IKEDA Ayaka, KAWANO Shoko, KATSUYAMA Ichiro, YAMADA Masao, KANEKO Gen, WATABE Shugo, YAMADA Akinori. Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic bacteria from the shipworm
Teredo navalis
. MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection). 2014. 40. 6. 261-268
Toshiaki Kudo, Ayumi Kawauchi, Tomomi Nakahara, Xiaochi Zhang, Shigeto Taniyama, Tomohiro Takatani, Osamu Arakawa, Kenshiro Oshima, Wataru Suda, Keiko Kitamura, et al. Draft Genome Sequences of Vibrio sp. Strains Isolated from Tetrodotoxin-Bearing Scavenging Gastropod. Genome announcements. 2014. 2. 3. e00623-14
Toshiaki Kudo, Kazuaki Sakamoto, Masashi Akinaga, Ayumi Kawauchi, Tomomi Nakahara, Xiaochi Zhang, Akinori Yamada, Kenshiro Oshima, Wataru Suda, Hirokazu Kuwahara, et al. Draft genome sequences of cyclodextrin-producing alkaliphilic Bacillus strains JCM 19045, JCM 19046, and JCM 19047. Genome Announcements. 2014. 2. 2. e00211-14
MISC (38):
Tetsushi Inoue. Is there a difference in roles among symbiotic protists in termite gut?. Termite Journal. 2022. 177. 33-35
山道敦, 村田昌一, 井上徹志, 濱田友貴, 山田明徳. 戦略プロジェクト研究 「養殖クロマグロ等の卵巣を用いた新しい加工技術の開発」. 長崎県総合水産試験場事業報告. 2019. 2018. 54-55
井上 徹志. 世界のシロアリについて第6回オーストラリアのシロアリ. agreeable. 2019. 50. 2-3
山道敦, 村田昌一, 井上徹志, 濱田友貴, 山田明徳. 戦略プロジェクト研究「養殖クロマグロ等の卵巣を用いた新しい加工技術の開発」. 長崎県総合水産試験場事業報告. 2018. 2017. 69-71
山道敦, 村田昌一, 井上徹志, 濱田友貴, 山田明徳. 戦略プロジェクト研究(養殖クロマグロ等の卵巣を用いた新しい加工技術の開発). 長崎県総合水産試験場事業報告. 2017. 2016. 69-70
Patents (6):
Books (2):
2019 ISBN:9784769916161
シーエムシー出版 2006 ISBN:9784882319009
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
Evolution towards mutualism in termite gut protists
(日本原生生物学会 2023)
Novel symbiotic protist lineages from the intestine of invertebrates: with a focus on the Blattodea insects.
(第17回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 2023)
Cellulose digestive systems in termites -Achievements of Dr. Yoshimura and subsequent researches
Education (3):
1992 - 1995 京都大学大学院 理学研究科博士後期課程 動物学専攻
1990 - 1992 京都大学大学院 理学研究科修士課程 動物学専攻
1986 - 1990 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Committee career (4):
2023/04 - 2025/03 長崎県食品安全・安心委員会委員長
2022/08 - 2024/03 長崎県研究事業評価委員会水産分野研究評価分科会 委員
2021/04 - 2023/03 長崎県食品安全・安心委員会 委員長
2019/04 - 2021/03 長崎県食品安全・安心委員会 委員長
Association Membership(s) (1):
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