J-GLOBAL ID:201401031926169433
Update date: Apr. 09, 2024
Chiba Takahiro
チバ タカヒロ | Chiba Takahiro
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Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Papers (5):
野崎光留, 福井ひとみ, 岡﨑 真, 千葉貴宏. "How Brand Collaborations Change Customers' Self-Brand Connections to High-Priced Brand". 2017
千葉貴宏. "Are Superior Services Always Good for Satisfaction Formation?". Serviceology for Smart Service System - Selected and Edited Papers of the 3rd International Conference on Serviceology. 2016
千葉貴宏. 「サービスにおける顧客・従業員・企業の三者間関係」. 『経営論集』. 2016. 第87号,pp. 65-76
An Examination of Mediators Between Satisfaction and Repurchasing. 2014. 第84号,pp. 129-138. 84. 129-138
韓 可, 千葉貴宏, 池谷真剛, 小野晃典. "A Comprehensive Model of Anxiety in Gift Giving". International Review of Business Research Papers. 2009. 5. 4. 322-334
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
"The Effects of Packaging Color on Consumer Behavior"
"Development of the New Consumers' Demand Model: An Extension of the Bandwagon/Snob Effects"
"Effective Visual Conditions of Consumer Goods: Focusing on Package Color and Various Factors"
"Consumer Attitudes Toward Celebrity Advertising: Analysis Through Balance Theory"
"Development of the Long-Term Service Model on Customer Relationships: Consideration of Primary and Secondary Attributes"
(Academy of Marketing Science 2013)
Professional career (1):
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