J-GLOBAL ID:201601010700980072
Update date: Jul. 19, 2024
Okada Yoshihiro
Okada Yoshihiro
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Research field (4):
Conservation science (plants)
, Plant genetics and breeding
, Genomics
, Molecular biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2022 - 2026 Environmental response mechanisms of purple sweet potato yield and quality based on field trials in temperate and subtropical zones.
2021 - 2024 温暖化環境で生じるオオムギ一株収量低下に関わる遺伝構造の解明
Papers (17):
Kanoko Nokihara, Yoshihiro Okada, Shinichiro Ohata, Yuki Monden. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Key Genes Involved in Weevil Resistance in the Hexaploid Sweetpotato. Plants. 2021. 10. 8. 1535-1535
Yoshihiro Okada, Yuki Monden, Kanoko Nokihara, Kenta Shirasawa, Sachiko Isobe, Makoto Tahara. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for Yield and Weevil Resistance in Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam). Plant cell reports. 2019. 38. 11. 1383-1392
Rumi Sasai, Hiroaki Tabuchi, Kenta Shirasawa, Kazuki Kishimoto, Shusei Sato, Yoshihiro Okada, Akihide Kuramoto, Akira Kobayashi, Sachiko Isobe, Makoto Tahara, et al. Development of molecular markers associated with resistance to Meloidogyne incognita by performing quantitative trait locus analysis and genome-wide association study in sweetpotato. DNA research : an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomes. 2019. 26. 5. 399-409
Yoshihiro Okada, Akira Kobayashi, Hiroaki Tabuchi, Toshikazu Kuranouchi. Review of major sweetpotato pests in Japan, with information on resistance breeding programs. Breeding science. 2017. 67. 1. 73-82
Katsuya Ichinose, Keiji Yasuda, Nobuo Yamashita, Masaya Matsumura, Yoshihiro Okada. Reduced dispersal and survival in the sweet potato weevil (Euscepes postfasciatus) after irradiation. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY. 2016. 18. 2. 157-166
MISC (91):
田淵宏朗, 小林晃, 川田ゆかり, 岡田吉弘, 小林有紀. Development of a resistance-test method to inoculate sweet potato cuttings with spore suspension of Diaporthe destruens. 日本植物病理学会報. 2022. 88. 1
城間一朗, 伊志嶺正人, 上江洲貴子, 永井則義, 桐原成元, 岡田吉弘. 近年の沖縄県産かんしょの生産量と需要バランスの推移-読谷村を例に-. 沖縄農業研究会大会講演要旨・総会資料. 2018. 57th. 23-24
眞玉橋將央, 岡田吉弘, 上江洲貴子, 永井則義, 城間一郎, 伊志嶺正人, 桐原成元. 開花したかんしょつる苗は収量に影響を及ぼすのか?. 沖縄農業研究会大会講演要旨・総会資料. 2018. 57th. 29-30
桐原成元, 岡田吉弘, 永井則義, 垣花郁夫, 當山善堂, 上江洲貴子, 真玉橋将央, 伊志嶺正人. 「宮農7号(みやななご)」復活への取り組み. 沖縄農業研究会大会講演要旨・総会資料. 2018. 57th. 33-34
永井則義, 岡田吉弘, 城間一朗, 上江洲貴子, 伊志嶺正人, 真玉橋將央, 桐原成元. 加工用かんしょの周年出荷に向けた課題. 沖縄農業研究会大会講演要旨・総会資料. 2018. 57th. 25-26
Patents (5):
Professional career (1):
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