Research keywords (5):
experimental engineering
, waste heat recovery
, exhaust gas aftertreatment
, engine
, thermal engineering
Papers (15):
西尾澄人, YOO Dong-Hoon, 岸武行, 福田哲吾, XU Zhide. Study on Improvement of Combustion at Start-up and at Heavy Fuel Oil Use in 4-Stroke Cycle Marine Diesel Engine. マリンエンジニアリング. 2014. 49. 5. 666-673
Hirata Koichi, Kishi Takeyuki, Niki Yoichi. Research on Certification of SCR System for Marine Diesel Engines. JOURNAL OF THE MARINE ENGINEERING SOCIETY IN JAPAN. 2013. 48. 6. 765-768
岸 武行, 大橋 厚人, 柳東 勲. 舶用エンジンから排出されるブラックカーボン(BC)の計測 : PM組成分析と光吸収計測による計測法の評価 (多様化する環境問題とそのソリューション). 独立行政法人海上技術安全研究所研究発表会講演集 = General meeting of National Maritime Research Institute. 2014. 14. 150-157
2-Shaft Gas Turbine Marine Combined Cycle
(Proceedings of 87th Marine Engineering Academic Lecture 2017)
Study on the Effect of Fin Pitch on Pressure Loss in Waste Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger
(Proceedings of 87th Marine Engineering Academic Lecture 2017)
The Deactivation of the Catalyst Used in the SCR System Installed on the Ship
(International Symposium on Marine Engineering (ISME) 2014 2014)
Exhaust Gas Treatment Technology that Complies with NOx / SOx Regulations
(Proceedings of National Maritime Research Institute Research Presentation 2014)
Research on Combustion Improvement at Start-up and when Using C Heavy Fuel Oil in a Marine 4-stroke Diesel Engine
(Proceedings of 83rd Marine Engineering Academic Lecture 2013)