J-GLOBAL ID:202001020404892492
Update date: Jun. 24, 2024
Ichiyanagi Yosuke
Ichiyanagi Yosuke
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2024 - 2026 LRTの車輪・レール摩耗の進展メカニズムと摩耗予測に関する研究
- 2021 - 2023 鉄道車両の運動解析を活用した軌間拡大箇所の効率的な検出手法の研究
- 2019 - 2021 Development of condition monitoring system of running safety of railway vehicle utilizing the monitoring bogie
Papers (5):
Yosuke ICHIYANAGI, Yohei MICHITSUJI, Akira MATSUMOTO, Yasuhiro SATO, Hiroyuki OHNO, Seigo OGATA, Masuhisa TANIMOTO, Tomoki FUKUSHIMA, Takuya MATSUDA, Daisuke SHINAGAWA. Simulation-based estimation of wheel/rail friction coefficient and wear number considering results of full-scale roller-rig test. Mechanical Engineering Journal. 2023. 10. 3
MICHITSUJI Yohei, ICHIYANAGI Yosuke, MATSUMOTO Akira, SATO Yasuhiro, OHNO Hiroyuki, OGATA Seigo, TANIMOTO Masuhisa, FUKUSHIMA Tomoki, MATSUDA Takuya, MATSUMI Takanori. Estimation of coefficient of friction between flange and rail utilizing vehicle dynamics simulation (Investigation based on roller-rig test with different lubrication condition). Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2021. 87. 895
Akira Matsumoto, Yohei Michitsuji, Yosuke Ichiyanagi, Yasuhiro Sato, Hiroyuki Ohno, Masuhisa Tanimoto, Atsushi Iwamoto, Takuji Nakai. Safety measures against flange-climb derailment in sharp curve-considering friction coefficient between wheel and rail -. Wear. 2019. 432-433
ICHIYANAGI Yosuke, MICHITSUJI Yohei, MATSUMOTO Akira, SATO Yasuhiro, OHNO Hiroyuki, OGATA Seigo, TANIMOTO Masuhisa, IWAMOTO Atsushi, FUKUSHIMA Tomoki, NAKAI Takuji. Running position matching for the monitoring bogie and temporal subtraction analysis of derailment coefficient. Mechanical Engineering Journal. 2019. 6. 2
ICHIYANAGI Yosuke, MICHITSUJI Yohei, MATSUMOTO Akira, SATO Yasuhiro, OHNO Hiroyuki, MORI Hirotaka, TANIMOTO Masuhisa, IWAMOTO Atsushi, FUKUSHIMA Tomoki, YANO Kenta, et al. Condition monitoring system of wheel-rail contact force utilizing PQ monitoring bogie (Basic design of the analysis tool and analysis of the derailment coefficient). Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2017. 83. 846. 16-00461-16-00461
Patents (2):
Lectures and oral presentations (47):
Accuracy Evaluation of Cargo Handling Forklift Position Detection Using GNSS
(交通安全環境研究所フォーラム2023 2023)
(交通安全環境研究所フォーラム2023 2023)
Monitoring related to motion of ropeway carrier
(International Meeting of Technical Authorities for Cableways (71st ITTAB) 2023)
Evaluation of wheel flange lubrication condition based on continuous observation of wheel/rail contact forces
(28th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD2023) 2023)
Professional career (1):
Awards (3):
- 2020/03 - 日本機械学会交通・物流部門 優秀論文講演表彰 車輪・レール摩耗の影響を考慮した外軌側車輪フランジ部の摩擦係数の推定方法
- 2017/11 - 日本鉄道サイバネティクス協議会 学生優秀論文優秀賞 PQモニタリング台車を活用した車輪・レール接触力の状態監視システム
- 2015/03 - 日本設計工学会 武藤栄次賞優秀学生賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本機械学会
, 日本設計工学会
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