J-GLOBAL ID:200901000188505692
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Nagasaka Takeshi
ナガサカ タケシ | Nagasaka Takeshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
MISC (44):
人尾の1例. 第788回日本皮膚科学会東京地方会. 2004
Birt-Hogg-Dube症候群の1例. 第66回日本皮膚科学会東京支部学術大会. 2003
Assessment of the removal rate of pemphigus autoantibodies by plasmapheresis using desmoglein ELISA. Joint Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the Japanese Dermatological Association. 2003
天疱瘡および膿痂疹の病態におけるデスモグレイン4の関与の検討. 第10回分子皮膚科学フォーラム. 2003
Assessment of the removal rate of pemphigus autoantibodies by plasmapheresis using desmoglein ELISA. Joint Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the Japanese Dermatological Association. 2003
Education (2):
- - 1996 Keio University School of Medicine
- - 1996 Keio University Faculty of Medicine
Work history (4):
- 2002 - 2006 大学医学部助手(皮膚科学)
- 1998 - 2002 大学医学部助手(専修医)(皮膚科学)
- 2002 - - 大学助手(医学部皮膚科学)
- 1996 - 1998 大学医学部研修医(皮膚科)
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