HATSUZAWA Takeshi. SPM : viewed from a precision engineering standpoint. 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering. 2009. 75. 1. 97-98
HATSUZAWA Takeshi. SPM : viewed from a precision engineering standpoint. Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering. 2009. 75. 1. 97-98
TAKESHI HATSUZAWA. Fablication of DNA-Based Nanostructures Based on a DNA Ring-Protain Comples. 2008. 74. 4. 390-394
DNA Mechanical Properties: Formulation and comparison with experiments
(Nanotech 2008 2009)
Dielectrophoretic characterization of DNA elastic properties
(Nanotech Insight 2009 2009)
Microfluidic synthesis of shape-controlled microparticles from triple-phase emulsion droplets
(3rd International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2009)
DNA Mechanical Properties: Formulation and comparison with experiments
(Nanotech 2008 2009)