J-GLOBAL ID:200901001885848499
Update date: Sep. 14, 2022
Ueki Katsuji
ウエキ カツジ | Ueki Katsuji
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Research field (3):
Landscape science
, Environmental agriculture
, Applied microbiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
1900 - 嫌気性微生物を用いたバイオマス資源の有用物質への変換
1900 - 嫌気性微生物を用いたバイオマス資源の有用物質への変換
1900 - 嫌気微生物生態系を用いた環境汚染浄化
1900 - 嫌気環境における微生物生態
1900 - 偏性嫌気性細菌の生理・生化学
1900 - Biomass conversion using anaerobic microorganisms
1900 - Biomass conversion using anaerobic thermophiles
1900 - Pollution control by anaerobic ecosystems
1900 - Microbial ecology in anaerobic environments
1900 - Physiology and biochemistry of obligately anaerobic bacteria
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MISC (80):
Tomomi Nishiyama, Atsuko Ueki, Nobuo Kaku, Kazuya Watanabe, Katsuji Ueki. Bacteroides graminisolvens sp nov., a xylanolytic anaerobe isolated from a methanogenic reactor treating cattle waste. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. 2009. 59. 8. 1901-1907
Tomomi Nishiyama, Atsuko Ueki, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki. Clostridium sufflavum sp nov., isolated from a methanogenic reactor treating cattle waste. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. 2009. 59. 5. 981-986
Daisuke Suzuki, Atsuko Ueki, Aya Amaishi, Katsuji Ueki. Desulfovibrio portus sp. nov., a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium in the class Deltaproteobacteria isolated from an estuarine sediment. 「(共著)」. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 2009. 55. 2. 125-133
MATSUTA Yoshihiro, UEKI Atsuko, UEKI Katsuji. Identification and flavor productivity of flavor-producing wild yeasts isolated from various fruits. JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF BREWING,JAPAN. 2009. 104. 1. 57-74
Yoshihiro Matsuda, Atsuko Ueki, Katsuji Ueki. Identification and flavor productivity of flavor-producing wild yeasts isolated from various fruits.["jouintly worked"]. J. Brew. Soc. Japan. 2009. 104. 1. 57-74
Books (9):
Ecological effects of acidic precipitation on lakes and forests. p.49-56. InStrategy for Air Pollution Control in East Asia (E. Hirai, M. Miyazaki, K. Ueki, T. Chohji, K. Muramoto, and K. Mizuno, eds).
検証・ヒトが招いた地球の危機 -データが示す人類環境の現状-(山形大学地球環境研究会編). p.68-78. 酸性雨は地球を滅ぼすか(第5章).
(株)養賢堂 1993
(株)養賢堂 1993
嫌気微生物学(上木勝司、永井史郎編). 酸生成細菌の生理と生態(第2章)、各種嫌気環境における微生物の生態(第8章)。
Education (4):
- 1976 The University of Tokyo
- 1976 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science
- 1968 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
- 1968 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Dr. of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (1):
Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture,Yamagata University Professor
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