J-GLOBAL ID:200901002428452390
Update date: Dec. 25, 2024
Nishino Naoki
ニシノ ナオキ | Nishino Naoki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Animal production science
Research keywords (4):
, 動物衛生学
, 飼料学
, 野生動物学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
- 2019 - 2023 New strategies for controlling silage microbiota using integrated analysis of bacteriome and mycobiome
- 2012 - 2015 Investigation into lactic acid bacteria involving in resistance to aerobic stability of total mixed ration silage
- 2009 - 2011 Evaluation of Acetobacter spp. as a novel inoculant to improve silage management
- 2007 - 2008 Bacterial community analyses for the selection of homo-fermentative lactic acid bacteria with inhibitory activity against aerobic silage deterioration
- 2005 - 2006 PCR-DGGE analysis of silage microorganisms and its application to food quality control
- 2003 - 2004 Influence and function of a 1,2-propanediol-producing lactic acid bacterium, Lactobacillus buchneri, in inhibiting aerobic deterioration of silage
- 2001 - 2002 Evaluation of nutritional significance and microbial production of 1, 2-propanediol in silage
- 1998 - 1999 乾草およびサイレージ利用システムにおける牧草細胞壁のダイナミック解析
- 1996 - 1996 飼料の保存性および安全性におけるメイラード反応生成物の役割
- 1995 - 1995 反芻動物におけるメラノイジンの栄養学的意義
- 1994 - 1994 ルーメン内分解性制御の観点からみた蛋白質構成アミノ酸のラセミ化の意義
- 1993 - 1993 飼料蛋白質のルーメン内分解性と架橋形成アミノ酸の関係
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Papers (83):
Miyamoto, T., Tsuruta, T., Teraoka, M., Wang, T., Nishino, N. Cyclic oligosaccharide-induced modulation of immunoglobulin A reactivity to gut bacteria contributes to alterations in the bacterial community structure. Nutrients. 2024. 16. 2824-2824
Katsumata, E., Tsuruta, T., Sonoyama, K., Yoshida, T., Sasaki, M., Teraoka, M., Wang, T., Nishino, N. Unabsorbed fecal fat content correlates with a reduction of immunoglobulin A coating of gut bacteria in high-lard diet-fed mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2024. 68. e2400078
AoDaohu, Akada, K., Gathinji, P.K., Nishino, N. Variations in milk, udder skin, and fecal microbiota and their relationships with blood metabolites and milk composition in dairy cows. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2024. 77. ovae014
Nguyen, H.V., Nguyen, T.M., Dinh, V.D., Van, N.P., Tran, N.L., Le, T.H., Le, D.T., Vo, T.M., Ngo, M.D., Bui, V.L., et al. Commercial concentrate supplementation in Phan Rang sheep diets: Effects on digestibility traits, growth and carcass performance. Advances of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 2024. 12. 1-8
In vitro assessment of the relationships between the digestion of different types of rice straw and bacterial community in the rumen. 2023. 68. 372-382
MISC (3):
西野直樹. サイレージ発酵の原理. 酪農ジャーナル(臨時増刊号). 2012. 16-23
Nishino, N. Aerobic stability and instability of silages caused by bacteria. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation. 2011. 127-441
NISHINO N. Ensiled total mixed ration : A non-conventional silage supporting animal production in Japan. Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Animal Production, 2006. 2006. pp. 193-197
Books (6):
Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World
Guangdong People's Publishing House 2008
Silage production and utilisation
Wageningen Academic Publishers 2005
文永堂 2004
(社)畜産技術協会 2004
Relationships among Coagulation Methods, Yields and Nutritive Values of LPC(共著)
Green Vegetation Fractionation 1996
Lectures and oral presentations (111):
Jersey industry and related research in Japan
(International Symposium for the Promotion of Jersey Dairy Cattle Industry of Korea 2024)
Digesta- and tissue-associated bacteria inhabiting various gut segments of goats determined by conventional and viability PCR
(第73回関西畜産学会大会 2023)
十二指腸、回腸および腎臓におけるDPP4 活性の差異と食餌タンパク質による変動
(第73回関西畜産学会大会 2023)
(第73回関西畜産学会大会 2023)
Monitoring the digesta- and tissue-associated bacteria inhabiting various gut segments of goats using conventional and viability PCR
(International Symposium on Animal Bioscience 2023 2023)
Education (2):
- - 1990 Nagoya University
- - 1988 Nagoya University School of Agricultural Sciences
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Science) (Nagoya University)
Work history (3):
- 2021/04 - 現在 岡山大学大学院環境生命自然科学研究科 教授
- 2015/04 - 2021/03 岡山大学環境生命科学研究科 教授
- 2004/12 - 2015/03 岡山大学自然科学研究科 准教授
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
American Dairy Science Association
, 日本栄養食糧学会
, 日本草地学会
, 日本畜産学会
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