2021 - 2027 How wild rice had been domesticated as human edible resource.
2021 - 2024 イネ幼苗期のプラスチドゲノムコピー数を指標とした雑種強勢評価法の検討
2021 - 2024 コメのメチル水銀汚染リスク低減のための土壌環境評価法の検討
2019 - 2023 イネ人為突然変異白葉枯病抵抗性遺伝子の同定と抵抗性機構の解明
2018 - 2021 Behavior of MeHg production in a Hg(II) ion spiked paddy field soil during multi-year rice cultivation and the mechanism of MeHg accumulation in rice grain
2016 - 2020 Identification and distribution of novel hybrid chlorosis genes in wild rice lead to the origin of wild rice in Australia
2016 - 2019 Analysis of Oceania Oryza genus adapted to the envvironmental condition
2015 - 2018 Molecular cloning and characterization of complemental causal genes of hybrid weakness of rice located in a homologous chromosomal region
2015 - 2018 Production of methylmercury in Hg contaminated paddy field and its effect to biological system
2013 - 2016 Geographical and ecological study of wild rice diverged genomes
2012 - 2016 The genetics and breeding science of diversity and universality in the three hybrid weakness phenomena in rice
2012 - 2015 Study of an interaction between HWC1 and HWC2 which induce immune response in a hybrid weakness of rice
2009 - 2011 Evaluation of genetic resources belonging to rice and root crops in Oceania
2009 - 2010 イネをモデルとした自己免疫不全型雑種弱勢発生機構の解明
2008 - 2010 Identification of genes conferring reproductive barriers in rice with the aid of genome information and bioresources, and their origin and distribution
1998 - 2010 サツマイモの遺伝的多様性
1998 - 2010 アワの遺伝的多様性
1998 - 2010 Genetic diversity of sweetpotato
1998 - 2010 Genetic diversity of foxtail millet
2007 - 2008 日本型イネと品種「Jamaica」の間で生じるF1雑種弱勢発生の分子機構
2005 - 2006 イネ配偶子致死補足遺伝子d60,galの単離
2004 - 2005 Fine mapping of Hwc1 and Hwc2, two complementary hybrid weakness gene in rice
2002 - 2005 ヤムイモの遺伝的多様性
2002 - 2005 Genetic Diversity of Yam
2002 - 2004 イネにおける突然変異矮性遺伝子とQTLとの間の交互作用
1992 - 2003 イネの感光性に関する遺伝学的研究
1992 - 2003 Genetic studies on photoperiod sensitivity in rice
Kumpei Shiragaki, Takahiro Iizuka, Katsuyuki Ichitani, Tsutomu Kuboyama, Toshinobu Morikawa, Masayuki Oda, Takahiro Tezuka. HWA1- and HWA2-mediated hybrid weakness in rice involves cell death, reactive oxygen species accumulation, and disease resistance-related gene upregulation. Plants. 2019. 8. 11. 450
Shohei Suehiro, Katsuyuki Ichitani, Eiji Domon, Kenji Fukunaga. Genotyping of the SiDREB2 gene in worldwide foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) genetic resources with special attention to Indian landraces. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2018. 65. 1-6
潟山祐樹, 穴井豊昭, 志水勝好, 田浦悟, 一谷勝之. Bacterial blight resistance conferred by xa42 gene in rice is enhanced after the initiation of reproductive growth phase. 育種学研究. 2021. 23
潟山祐樹, BUSUNGU C., 田浦悟, 豊元大希, 穴井豊昭, 鈴木章弘, 内海俊樹, 志水勝好, 岡本繁久, 清水圭一, et al. Bacterial blight resistance conferred by a missense mutation in Kas-II gene in rice. 育種学研究. 2020. 22