J-GLOBAL ID:200901005483737211
Update date: Sep. 25, 2022
Nishibori Hideki
ニシボリ ヒデキ | Nishibori Hideki
Affiliation and department:
Keio University School of Medicine, School of Medicine
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Job title:
MISC (99):
Identification of BORIS by SEREX as a tumor antigen recognized by serum IgG antibody of cancer patients. Annual Meeting of the AACR. 2003
プロテインS欠乏症を伴うSMV血栓症の1例. 第26回慶應外科フォーラム総会. 2003
プロテインS欠乏症を伴うSMV血栓症の1例. 第26回慶應外科フォーラム総会. 2003
The potential for a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor in the prevention on liver metastasis in human colorectal cancer. Anticancer research. 2003. 23. 1A. 245-250
Identification of BORIS by SEREX as a tumor antigen recognized by serum IgG antibody of cancer patients. Annual Meeting of the AACR. 2003
Education (2):
- 1988 Keio University School of Medicine Depertment of Medicine
- 1988 Keio University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
医学 (慶應義塾大学)
Work history (5):
2002 - - 大学助手(医学部外科学)
1994 - 2001 大学医学部助手(外科学)
1995 - 1996 大学助手(医学部外科学)
1990 - 1994 大学医学部助手(専修医)(外科学)
1988 - 1990 大学医学部研修医(外科)
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