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'A Novel Prostaglandin E Synthase, mPGES-2, is Involved in Pressure Overload-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats.'
(第68回日本循環器学会 2004)
Novel technique for fabricating myocardial cell sheet using polymerized fibrin-coated dishes.
(第68回日本循環器学会 2004)
(第3回日本再生医療学会シンポジウム 2004)
Endothelin-1 regulates cardiac sympathetic nerve innervation in the rodent heart by controlling nerve growth factor expression.
(Keystone symposia 2004)
'G-CSF improves post-infarction heart failure by mobilizing bone marrow stem cells, but GM-CSF increases the mortality by deteriorating heart function in mice.'
(Keystone conference molecular cardiovascular disease 2004)