J-GLOBAL ID:200901011459861041
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Nakamizo Hikaru
ナカミゾ ヒカル | Nakamizo Hikaru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
MISC (8):
High frequency of Helicobacter pylori resistant to clarithromycin during long-term multiple antibiotic therapy for chronic respiratory disease caused by non-tuberculosis mycobacterium. Digestive Disease Week 2001 (2001 ; Atlanta, USA). 2001
High frequency of Helicobacter pylori resistant to clarithromycin during long-term multiple antibiotic therapy for chronic respiratory disease caused by non-tuberculosis mycobacterium. Digestive Disease Week 2001 (2001 ; Atlanta, USA). 2001
血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病,B型劇症肝炎を合併した強皮症・多発性筋炎重複症候群の1例. 第487回内科学会関東地方会. 2000
特発性血小板減少性紫斑病,B型肝炎を合併した強皮症,多発性筋炎重複症候群の一例. 第487回日本内科学会関東地方会. 2000
Loading of transmural pressure activates early immediate gene and Mapk in gastric mucosal cells. Digestive Disease Week 2000 (1999 ; Orlando, USA). 1999
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