J-GLOBAL ID:200901014146536025
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Satou Hideki
サトウ ヒデキ | Satou Hideki
Affiliation and department:
Keio University School of Medicine, School of Medicine
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MISC (43):
D Ito, N Tanahashi, M Murata, H Sato, Saito, I, K Watanabe, Y Fukuuchi. Notch3 gene polymorphism and ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. 2002. 72. 3. 382-384
D Ito, N Tanahashi, M Murata, H Sato, Saito, I, K Watanabe, Y Fukuuchi. Notch3 gene polymorphism and ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. 2002. 72. 3. 382-384
浸潤性胸腺腫・重症筋無力症に心筋炎・筋炎を合併した1例. 第163回日本神経学会関東地方会. 2002
Clinical and cerebral hemodynamic features of “unilateral” moyamoya disease. Japanese-Korean Joint Stroke Conference. 2002
Xe/CTによる脳梗塞および出血性梗塞の脳血流-虚血時間閾値の検討. 第14回日本脳循環代謝学会総会. 2002
Education (2):
- 1995 Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- 1995 Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University Faculty of Medicine
Work history (5):
2002 - 2005 大学医学部助手(内科学)
1997 - 2002 大学医学部助手(専修医)(内科学)
2002 - - 大学助手(医学部内科学)
1997 - 1998 大学助手(医学部内科学)
1995 - 1997 大学医学部研修医(内科)
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