Research field (1):
Pharmaceuticals - analytical and physicochemistry
Research keywords (1):
Drug Delivery System, Colloid and Surafce Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2004 - 2014 肺がんを標的としたナノコッポジット微粒子の経気道的局所投与
2004 - 2014 Pulmonary delivery of nanocomposite particl for the treatment of lung cancer
Papers (186):
Teruki Nii, Toshie Kuwahara, Kimiko Makino, Yasuhiko Tabata. A co-culture system of three-dimensional tumor-associated macrophages and three-dimensional cancer-associated fibroblasts combined with biomolecule release for cancer cell migration. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2020. 26. 23-24. 1272-1282
Teruki Nii, Kimiko Makino, Yasuhiko Tabata. Three-dimensional culture system of cancer cells combined with biomaterials for drug screening. Cancers. 2020. 12. 10. 2754-2754
Issei Takeuchi, Riko Kawamata, Kimiko Makino. A Rat Model of Oral Mucositis Induced by Cancer Chemotherapy for Quantitative Experiments. ANTICANCER RESEARCH. 2020. 40. 5. 2701-2706