- 2008 - 総務大臣表彰
- 2008 - Ministry of Info. Communication Award
- 2002 - 情報通信月間推進協会会長表彰
- 2002 - 画像電子学会論文賞
- 2002 - The Council for Info-communications Promotion Month, President Award
- 2002 - The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Best Paper Award
- 2000 - ITU協会功績賞
- 2000 - The ITU Association of Japan, Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award
- 1993 - 電子情報通信学会業績賞
- 1993 - The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Achievement Award
- 1988 - 科学技術庁長官賞(研究功績者表彰)
- 1988 - Science and Technology Agency, Distinguished Researchers' Award
- 1973 - 電子通信学会米沢学術奨励賞
- 1973 - The Institute of Electronics and communication Engineers, Yonezawa Youg Researchers' Award
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