- 2024 - 2027 アフリカのてんかん「うなづき症候群」の原因物質と発症機序
- 2019 - 2022 Insights on the mechanism of mitochondrial diseases
- 2019 - 2022 呼吸鎖と酸化的リン酸化の代替経路を用いたミトコンドリア異常症の病態発症機構解 明
- 2017 - 2021 原虫・寄生虫症の診断、疫学、 ワクチン・薬剤開発に関する総 合的研究
- 2018 - 2020 嫌気的がん代謝経路を標的とす る抗癌剤の探索
- 2019 - 2019 アフリカ型トリパノソーマの新規グリセロール代謝経路解析:新規薬剤標的の同定
- 2015 - 2019 In silico, in vitro, X-ray crystallography, and integrated strategies for discovering spermidine synthase inhibitors for Chagas disease
- 2015 - 2018 Study on the reaction mechanism of type II NADH dehydrogenase by structural and biochemical analyses of the enzyme-inhibitor interaction.
- 2016 - 2018 寄生原虫の酢酸及び脂質代謝経路に関わる酵素群の同定・機能・調節の解析
- 2014 - 2017 Host Sterol Supply to Plasmodium Parasites as the Therapeutic Target in Malaria
- 2014 - 2017 Chemical biology of cyanide-insensitive Trypanosome alternative oxidase.
- 2014 - 2017 An epidemiological study on echinococcosis in Qinghai, China, and development of a chemotherapeutic drug for humans and domestic animals
- 2012 - 2017 Generalization of harmonized supramolecular motility machinery and its diversity
- 2014 - 2017 薬剤分子標的シアン耐性酸化酵素のケミカルバイオロジー
- 2014 - 2016 Interdisciplinary research aiming at establishing treatment and care for Nodding Syndrome in Uganda
- 2014 - 2016 Pyrimidine biosynthesis and energy metabolism in cancer microenvironment
- 2006 - 2011 Matrix of Infection Phenomena
- 2006 - 2010 Support for Research Techniques and Materials
- 2006 - 2010 Growth and pathogenicity of helminthes
- 2006 - 2010 Diversity of energy transducing mechanism by organella from the parasites such as Plasmodium
- 2005 - 2007 アメリカ型トリパノソーマのジヒドロオロト酸脱水素酵素を標的にした新規薬剤の開発
- 2005 - 2007 低酸素適応における寄生虫ミトコンドリア特異的呼吸酵素群の生理機能
- 2005 - 2006 Molecular epidemiological study on the SERA antigen gene in Plasmodium falciparum
- 2005 - 2006 Study on respiratory enzyme complex I based on the organic synthesis of acetogenin analogues
- 2005 - 2005 感染現象の研究マトリックスを構築するための企画調査研究
- 2002 - 2005 Molecular organization and physiological functions of the respiratory chain specific for mitochondria from Plasmodium
- 2003 - 2004 Study of nematode mitochondrial translation system using parasitic nematodes
- 2003 - 2004 Molecular epidemiology on distribution of new human malaria parasite and G6PD deficiency
- 2003 - 2004 Synthesis of functional probes toward elucidation of the function of respiratory enzymes of Caenorhabditis elegans.
- 2001 - 2004 Physiological function of respiratory enzymes specific for parasite mitochondria in the adaptation to low oxygen tension
- 2001 - 2002 マラリア原虫ミトコンドリア特異的呼吸酵素群の分子構築と生理機能
- 2001 - 2001 低酸素適応における回虫ミトコンドリア特異的呼吸酵素群の生理機能
- 1999 - 2001 Genomic factors of parasites and human beings on malaria severity
- 1999 - 2000 Surveys on malaria and gene analysis in Southeast Asia
- 1999 - 2000 Molecular phylogenetics of diphyllobothriid cestodes with special reference to the species identification of Sparganum proliferum.
- 1999 - 2000 Molecular organization of mitochondrial quinol-fumarate reductase and its role in oxygen adaptation.
- 1996 - 2000 Molecular approach for malaria control
- 1999 - 1999 マラリア制圧の総合戦略
- 1996 - 1999 Development of Anti-malarial Drug and it's Molecular Target
- 1998 - 1998 サブユニット間ヘム架橋型シトクロムbにおけるヘム特異的アセンブリー機構
- 1997 - 1997 サブユニット間ヘム架橋型シトクロムbにおけるヘム特異的アセンブリー機構
- 1994 - 1995 Selective expression of the mitochondrial genes from Ascaris suum
- 1993 - 1994 Development of schistosomiasis vaccines by using squirrel monkeys
- 1992 - 1994 呼吸鎖電子伝達酵素の分子構築
- 1992 - 1993 Molecular and immunological studies on mechanisms of protective immunity to schistosomiasis japonica
- 1991 - 1992 芽殖孤虫および芽殖孤虫症に関する基礎研究
- 1989 - 1990 The Function of B Cytochrome in Complex II (Succinate-Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase)
- 1989 - 1989 回虫ミトコンドリア呼吸系における低酸素圧適応機構の解析
- 1986 - 1987 Comparative studies on pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis characteristic of parasitic protozoa
- 1986 - 1987 An analysis of fumarate reductase systems in parasitic helminths and various intermediate molluscan hosts
- 1982 - 1982 大腸菌呼吸鎖末端酸化酵素系の遺伝生化学的研究
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