J-GLOBAL ID:200901052717477500
Update date: Aug. 16, 2004
Tsukamoto Makoto
ツカモト マコト | Tsukamoto Makoto
Affiliation and department:
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MISC (3):
'Identification of novel bladder cancer antigen, human lipoic acid synthetase, recoginized by antibodis in serum of a patient with metastatic bladder cancer.'. International Journal of Cancer. 2004. 108. 712-724
'Identification of novel bladder cancer antigen, human lipoic acid synthetase, recoginized by antibodis in serum of a patient with metastatic bladder cancer.'. International Journal of Cancer. 2004. 108. 712-724
SAGE法で同定したヒト色素細胞特異分子の免疫原性検討. 第33回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会. 2003
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