J-GLOBAL ID:200901053666772363
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Onoduka Satoshi
オノヅカ サトシ | Onoduka Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor / Research Associate / Instructor
MISC (17):
Kunieda Etsuo, Kawaguchi Osamu, Onozuka Satoshi, Momoshima Suketaka, Takeda Atsuya, Shigematsu Naoyuki, Hashimoto Subaru, Ohira Takayuki, Kubo Atsushi. Intra-arterial CT-Angiography for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Initial Experiences for Treatment Planning of Radiosurgery. International journal of radiation oncology, biology and physics. 2002. 54. 4. 120-132
野川茂, 傳法倫久, 山口啓二, 佐藤秀樹, 渡邊茂, 小野塚聡, 百島祐貴, 棚橋紀夫, 福内靖男. 超急性期脳梗塞の病型診断におけるXe-CTの有用性-連続22例における検討-. 脳循環代謝. 2002. 14. 4. 249-250
Kunieda Etsuo, Kawaguchi Osamu, Onozuka Satoshi, Momoshima Suketaka, Takeda Atsuya, Shigematsu Naoyuki, Hashimoto Subaru, Ohira Takayuki, Kubo Atsushi. Intra-arterial CT-Angiography for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Initial Experiences for Treatment Planning of Radiosurgery. International journal of radiation oncology, biology and physics. 2002. 54. 4. 120-132
Joji Inamasu, Sadao Suga, Shuzo Sato, Satoshi Onozuka, Takeshi Kawase. Long-term outcome of 17 cases of large-giant posterior fossa aneurysm. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2000. 102. 2. 65-71
J Inamasu, S Suga, S Sato, S Onozuka, T Kawase. Long-term outcome of 17 cases of large-giant posterior fossa aneurysm. CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY. 2000. 102. 2. 65-71
Lectures and oral presentations (32):
Feasibility and usefulness of Xe-CT/CBF measurement in thrombolysis candidates with acute ischemic stroke
(The 2002 Sixth International Conference on Xenon CT-CBF and related CBF Techniques 2002)
Micro-multileaf Collimator(MMLC)によるradiosurgery
(第11回日本定位放射線治療学会 2002)
(第61回日本脳神経外科学会総会 2002)
(第18回日本脳神経血管内治療学会 2002)
Feasibility and usefulness of Xe-CT/CBF measurement in thrombolysis candidates with acute ischemic stroke
(The 2002 Sixth International Conference on Xenon CT-CBF and related CBF Techniques 2002)
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