J-GLOBAL ID:200901060121895189
Update date: Jun. 07, 2020
Fujimori Akira
フジモリ アキラ | Fujimori Akira
Affiliation and department:
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
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Job title:
Research field (4):
, Medical biochemistry
, Environmental effects of chemicals
, Environmental effects of radiation
Research keywords (4):
, 分子生物
, トランスクリプトーム
, biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2005 - 2007 高精度遺伝子発現プロフィルの比較分析に基づく多様な化学物質の相対リスク評価手法の開発に関する研究
Development of Relative Risk Assessment for Environmental Toxic Reagents by High-Coverage Expression Profiling (HiCEP) Technology
MISC (15):
Akira Fujimori, Takeshi Yaoi, Hiroshi Ogi, Bing Wang, Katsutoshi Suetomi, Emiko Sekine, Dong Yu, Takarnitsu Kato, Sentaro Takahashi, Ryuichi Okayasu, et al. Ionizing radiation downregulates ASPM, a gene responsible for microcephaly in humans. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2008. 369. 3. 953-957
Akira Fujimori, Takeshi Yaoi, Hiroshi Ogi, Bing Wang, Katsutoshi Suetomi, Emiko Sekine, Dong Yu, Takarnitsu Kato, Sentaro Takahashi, Ryuichi Okayasu, et al. Ionizing radiation downregulates ASPM, a gene responsible for microcephaly in humans. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2008. 369. 3. 953-957
A Fujimori, R Okayasu, H Ishihara, S Yoshida, K Eguchi-Kasai, K Nojima, S Ebisawa, S Takahashi. Extremely low dose ionizing radiation up-regulates CXC chemokines in normal human fibroblasts. CANCER RESEARCH. 2005. 65. 22. 10159-10163
次世代遺伝子発現プロフィール解析法. 蛋白質核酸酵素(共立出版). 2004. 48: 1443-1449
Y Hoki, R Araki, A Fujimori, T Ohhata, H Koseki, R Fukumura, M Nakamura, H Takahashi, Y Noda, S Kito, et al. Growth retardation and skin abnormalities of the Recq/4-deficient mouse. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2003. 12. 18. 2293-2299
Patents (1):
Works (1):
2004 -
Education (1):
- 1988 Kyoto University
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
1999 - 2001 京都大学医学研究科放射線遺伝学講座助手
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本放射線影響学会
, 日本分子生物学会
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