J-GLOBAL ID:200901067244732793
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Haratou Rei
ハラトウ レイ | Haratou Rei
Affiliation and department:
Keio University School of Medicine, School of Medicine
About Keio University School of Medicine, School of Medicine
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Job title:
Assistant Professor
MISC (36):
山本奈緒. 続発性ヘモクロマトーシス. 皮膚病診療. 2004. 26. 3. 349-352
Striaelike epidermal distension. 皮膚病診療. 2004. 26. 2. 221-222
Superficial mucoceleの1例. 臨床皮膚科. 2004. 58. 2. 157-159
ステロイド外用にて経過良好であるジューリング疱疹状皮膚炎の1例. 第788回日本皮膚科学会東京地方会. 2004
Striaelike epidermal distension. 2004. 26. 2. 221-222
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