Research field (2):
Human interfaces and interactions
, Database science
Papers (65):
Norio KATAYAMA, Hiroshi MO, Shin'ichi SATOH. Analyzing the Bias of Information Access Opportunities for Cautions and Advisories in TV News Programs. 2024. 2024-IFAT-155. 1. 1-6
Norio KATAYAMA, Hiroshi MO, Shin'ichi SATOH. Television Archive Analytics for Disaster and Risk Prevention with Information Extraction and Visualization Focusing on Conventional Expressions. 2021. 2021-NL-251. 8. 1-8
Norio KATAYAMA, Hiroshi MO, Shin'ichi SATOH. News Shot Retrieval for Data Analytics with Television Archive. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2021. 2021-IFAT-142. 6. 1-6
Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications
CRC Press 2003
Data Structures, Near Neighbor Searches, and Methodology: Fifth and Sixth DIMACS Implementation Challenges, AMS DIMACS Series, Vol. 59
American Mathematical Society 2002