J-GLOBAL ID:200901075061982408
Update date: Sep. 19, 2024
Hokutou Isamu
ホクトウ イサム | Hokutou Isamu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor / Research Associate / Instructor
MISC (15):
K Ikeda, Hokuto, I, K Tokieda, O Nishimura, H Ishimoto, Y Morikawa. A congenital anterior diaphragmatic hernia with massive pericardial effusion requiring neither emergency pericardiocentesis nor operation. A case report and review of the literature. JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE. 2002. 30. 4. 336-340
K Ikeda, Hokuto, I, K Tokieda, O Nishimura, H Ishimoto, Y Morikawa. A congenital anterior diaphragmatic hernia with massive pericardial effusion requiring neither emergency pericardiocentesis nor operation. A case report and review of the literature. JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE. 2002. 30. 4. 336-340
K Ikeda, Hokuto, I, K Tokieda, O Nishimura, H Ishimoto, Y Morikawa. A congenital anterior diaphragmatic hernia with massive pericardial effusion requiring neither emergency pericardiocentesis nor operation. A case report and review of the literature. JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE. 2002. 30. 4. 336-340
K Ikeda, Hokuto, I, K Tokieda, O Nishimura, H Ishimoto, Y Morikawa. A congenital anterior diaphragmatic hernia with massive pericardial effusion requiring neither emergency pericardiocentesis nor operation. A case report and review of the literature. JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE. 2002. 30. 4. 336-340
Hokuto, I, K Ikeda, K Tokieda, K Mori, K Sueoka. An ultra premature baby of 290 g birth weight needed more than 500 mg/kg of calcium and phosphorus daily. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS. 2001. 160. 7. 450-451
Lectures and oral presentations (16):
(第104回日本小児科学会 2001)
(第37回日本新生児学会 2001)
(第37回日本新生児学会総会 2001)
(第37回日本新生児学会 2001)
Intratracheal administration of perfluorocarbon rescues Nitrofen induced lung hypoplasia
(American Thoracic Society 2000)
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