- 1986 - 2003 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
- 1986 - 2001 Professor of Department of Physics
- 1981 - 1986 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
- 1981 - 1986 Associate Professor
- 1979 - 1981 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
- 1979 - 1981 Lecturer of Department of Physics,
- 1978 - 1979 ボストン生物医学研究所 研究員
- 1978 - 1979 Boston Biomedical Research Institute
- 1976 - 1977 アメリカ筋ジストロフィー協会 博士研究員
- 1976 - 1977 Postdoctoral Fellow of Muscular Dystrophy
- 1974 - 1975 日本学術振興会 奨励研究員
- Engineering,
- (Biophysics), School of Science and
- of Department of Physics,
- Waseda University
- School of Science and Engineering,
- Association of America
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American Association for the Advancement of Science
, Biophysical Society (USA)
, 日本生理学会
, アメリカ生物物理学会
, 日本生化学会
, 日本物理学会
, 日本生物物理学会