Research field (3):
Catalytic processes and resource chemistry
, Chemical reaction and process system engineering
, Transfer phenomena and unit operations
Research keywords (10):
, 薄膜
, 微粒子
, 膜
, 反応吸収
, Photocatalyst
, Thin film
, Fine Particle
, Membrane
, Chemical absorption
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
1995 - 酸化チタン光触媒を用いた環境浄化
1995 - Purification of Atmospheric and Aquatic Environments by TiO2 photocatalysis
1990 - 高分子膜による気体分離および膜分離プロセス
1990 - Gas Separation by Polymer Membrane and Membrane Separation Process
1988 - 機能性超微粒子および薄膜の液相合成
1988 - Preparation of Functional Particles and Thin Films
Trends in Chemical Engineering: Sorption and diffusion behavior for a gas and gas mixtures in glassy polymer membranes near the glass transition temperature
Research Trends 2000