J-GLOBAL ID:200901080203773597   Update date: Aug. 12, 2024

Toyota Takenobu

トヨタ タケノブ | Toyota Takenobu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://climbsd.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/group/toyota/index.htmlhttp://climbsd.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/group/toyota/index-e.html
Research field  (2): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Environmental dynamics
Research keywords  (5): Inner structure of sea ice ,  Ice-ocean-atmosphere interaction ,  Sea ice dynamics ,  Ice floe size distribution ,  Sea ice thickness distribution
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (16):
  • 2022 - 2025 Validation of the algorithm with L-band SAR data for detecting deformed sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean
  • 2022 - 2025 A study on the effects of dynamical deformation processes in the seasonal ice zone on the interannual variability of sea ice extent
  • 2020 - 2023 Development of radiative transfer model of atmosphere-snow/sea ice system and upgrading of the sea-ice surafce albedo scheme in climate models
  • 2019 - 2022 Validation of the algorithm with L-band SAR data for detecting deformed sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean
  • 2019 - 2022 Development of the parameterization of sea ice deformation processes based on the year-round comprehensive data in the Arctic Ocean
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Papers (84):
  • Shotaro Uto, Takatoshi Matsuzawa, Haruhito Shimoda, Daisuke Wako, Takenobu Toyota. Formulation and validation of resistance prediction scheme for ships in ice regime described in WMO egg code. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2024. 221. 104159-104159
  • Daiki NOMURA, Ryota AKINO, Matthew CORKILL, Keizo HIRANO, Akihide KASAI, Seiji KATAKURA, Yusuke KAWAGUCHI, Tatsuya KAWAKAMI, Riri KIMURA, Delphine LANNUZEL, et al. Multidisciplinary research for sea ice in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan 2023(2023年北海道サロマ湖における学際的海氷研究について). Bulletin of Glaciological Research. 2024. 42. 19-37
  • Takahiro Toyoda, Kei Sakamoto, Takenobu Toyota, Hiroyuki Tsujino, L. Shogo Urakawa, Yuma Kawakami, Akio Yamagami, Kensuke K. Komatsu, Goro Yamanaka, Tomonori Tanikawa, et al. Improvement of sea ice thermodynamics with variable sea ice salinity and melt pond parameterizations in an OGCM. Ocean Modelling. 2023. 102288-102288
  • Mizuki Kuga, Kay I. Ohshima, Sachiko Kishi, Noriaki Kimura, Takenobu Toyota, Jun Nishioka. Backward-tracking simulations of sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk toward understanding of material transport through sea ice. Journal of Oceanography. 2023
  • Toyota, T, Y. Yamashita, H. Koda. A study on the properties of granular ice of sea ice from laboratory experiments. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans 2023. 2023. 37. 209-212
MISC (43):
  • 豊田威信. 巡視船「そうや」を用いたオホーツク海における海氷観測のあゆみ. 低温科学. 2024. 82. 25-44
  • 佐伯立, 三寺史夫, 馬目歩美, 木村詞明, 浮田甚郎, 豊田威信, 中村知裕. 海氷漂流と内部波伝播の共鳴相互作用によるアイスバンドパターン形成. 低温科学. 2024. 82. 189-202
  • Alexander Fraser, Takenobu Toyota. How sea ice blew the socks off scientists. 360info. 2024
  • 豊田隆寛, 坂本圭, 豊田威信, 辻野博之, 浦川昇吾, 川上雄真, 山上晃央, 小松謙介, 山中吾郎, 谷川朋範, et al. 気象研海洋モデルにおける海氷熱力学過程の改良について. 月刊海洋. 2023. 55. 4. 197-202
  • 豊田威信. 季節海氷域のふるまいの理解に向けて. 低温研ニュース. 2019. 48. 8-10
Books (10):
  • 北極域の研究 : その現状と将来構想
    海文堂出版 2024 ISBN:9784303562304
  • Guideline of Ocean Observations
    The Oceanographic Society of Japan 2018
  • 低温環境の科学事典
    朝倉書店 2016
  • 低温科学便覧
    丸善出版 2015
  • 新版 雪氷辞典
    古今書院 2014
Lectures and oral presentations  (103):
  • ビデオ画像解析から探るオホーツク海南部のアイスアルジ分布特性
    (低温科学研究所 共同研究集会 「知床とオホーツク海の海氷-海洋-物質循環-生態系の連関と変動」 2023)
  • History, methods, and findings of the Okhotsk sea-ice observations onboard SOYA over 25 years
    (International Workshop on Arctic Ocean Observation: Future Collaboration by Research Vessels and Icebreakers 2023)
  • On the seasonal variations of L-band SAR signals in the Arctic MYI area and the possibility of detecting deformed sea ice
    (The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2023 2023)
  • The interannual variability of sea ice area, thickness, and volume in the southern Sea of Okhotsk and its likely factors
    (IUGG Berlin 2023, the 28th General Assembly 2023)
  • A study on the properties of granular ice from laboratory experiments
    (International Symposium on Sea Ice, The International Glaciological Society 2023)
Works (5):
  • Field measurements of sea ice in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
    1996 - 現在
  • Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem eXperiment II
    2012 - 2012
  • Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem eXperiment I
    2007 - 2007
  • Winter Weddell Outflow Studies in the Weddell Sea
    2006 - 2006
  • Experimental Voyage through Northern Sea Route
    1995 -
Education (2):
  • 1995 - 1998 Hokkaido University Doctoral course of Graduate School of Earth Environmental Science
  • 1985 - 1987 University of Tokyo Master course of Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Earth Environmental Science (Hokkaido University)
  • Master of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (7):
  • 2007 - 現在 北海道大学 低温科学研究所 助教
  • 1999 - 現在 Assistant Professor, Hokkaido University, Institite of Low Temperature Science
  • 1999 - 2007 Hokkaido University Institute of Low Temperature Science
  • 1991 - 1995 Japan Meteorological Agency
  • 1991 - 1995 Technical Staff,Japan Meteorological Agency
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Committee career (4):
  • 2020/10 - 2023/09 日本学術会議 地球惑星科学委員会 IUGG分科会IACS小委員会 幹事
  • 2019/07 - 2023/07 International Association of Cryospheric Sciences Head of Sea Ice, Lake and River Ice Division
  • 2001 - 2003 日本雪氷学会 北海道支部 会計幹事
  • 2001 - 2003 Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Hokkaido Branch Accountant
Association Membership(s) (10):
日本雪氷学会 ,  アメリカ地球物理学連合 ,  国際雪氷学会 ,  日本海洋学会 ,  日本気象学会 ,  Japanese Society of Snow and Ice ,  American Geophysical Union ,  International Glaciological Society ,  Oceanographic Society of Japan ,  Meteorological Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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